
U.S. foreign exchange reserves of gold is 76% of China is 99% of the U.S.

The United States is the largest debtor country, China is the largest creditor, but gold is the United States has more than 10 times that of Germany's gold reserves is also more than 5 times, gold reserves in China are not with the international practice, which is We are vulnerable host. People are hoarding the metal --- gold, we have --- hoarding the paper dollar. I do not know that precious? Material may be Americans, the Chinese aesthetic.

Gold represents the foreign exchange reserves, so what? King of the Kingdom of metal is the most precious and most Some of the most rare kind. Foreign exchange reserves of gold represents a country's foreign debt and wealth levels, as well as the national currency to maintain exchange rate stability. It is well known that gold is the real hard currency, not only to facilitate the exchange of currencies and the value of relatively stable, around the world, the purchasing power of gold are more stable and reliable; foreign exchange reserves is in fact the currency of the country Claims, holding that currency, then we have a country in the purchasing power of the country's stability is fundamental. And the largest foreign exchange reserves, gold reserves is to make sense of their own in the international market will not be with the purchasing power of the national currency exchange rate fluctuations, thereby increasing the stability of the economy. On the other hand, and freely convertible currency linked exchange rate, enough to hold foreign exchange reserves, the country can maintain exchange rate stability, the international floating capital to guard against the impact of this economic crisis in Southeast Asia, the Hong Kong dollar to defend the war reflects the very full.
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