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Europäische Börsen höher geschlossen von Auto-und Erdölvorräte hob

Europäische Börsen höher geschlossen Dienstag, der Markt hat sich etwas ruhiger. Automotive Bestände höher, die von der GM (General Motors Corp, GM) der Financial Services-Tochter aus der US-Regierung, um weitere Soforthilfe Mittel, um die Nachrichten. Aber zur gleichen Zeit, HBOS und Lloyds TSB Bank plc (Lloyds TSB) der geplanten Fusion Mai Gesicht Obstruktion des Berichts führte zu den zwei Banken der beiden Aktienkurse fielen.

Auto-Aktien, Porsche (Porsche) und Daimler (Daimler) der Anstieg 4,2 Prozent erreicht. PSA Peugeot Citroen (Peugeot SA) in Paris, dem Markt stieg 3,7 Prozent.

Der Dow Jones Stoxx 600-Index um 1,1 Prozent auf 195,52 Punkte.

GM-Finanzdienstleistungen Tochtergesellschaft von GMAC Financial Services, sagte in der Nacht von Montag die Regierung Relief-Programm wurde 50 Milliarden Dollar, sondern auch aus dem US-Finanzministerium (Treasury Department), um weitere 10 Milliarden Dollar.

Futures-Preise für Rohöl im Anschluss an die zwei aufeinander folgenden Börsentagen vor dem Aufstieg nach dem Fall.

Allerdings, die Ölvorräte noch stieg. Royal Dutch Shell Co., Ltd (Royal Dutch Shell, RDSA) stieg 1%; British Petroleum (BP PLC, BP) stieg 1,6 Prozent.

Deutsch DAX 30-Index in diesem Jahr der letzte Handelstag zu schließen bis 105,34 Punkten auf 4810,20 Punkte, oder 2,2 Prozent. Die deutsche Benchmark-Aktien Index um 40,4 Prozent in diesem Jahr, das ist der Index seit 2002, nach 44% zum ersten Mal seit einem Rückgang im Jahr.

Daten zeigten, dass der starke Rückgang der Ölpreise, die deutsche Inflationsrate im Dezember sank auf 1,1 Prozent für mehr als zwei Jahre bis auf die unterste Ebene.

UK FTSE 100 Index stieg 1,2 Prozent auf 4,369.50 Punkte. Französischen CAC-40 Index um 1 Prozent auf 3,160.87 Punkte. Großbritannien und Frankreich sind der Markt wird enger frühen Mittwoch.

Infineon Technologies AG (Infineon Technologies AG, IFX) LED-Technologie Bestände, die geschlossen bis 16,4 Prozent.

Da die Tochtergesellschaft Qimonda (Qimonda) erhalten staatliche Unterstützung, Infineon-Aktie seit der letzten Woche hat sich ein Gesamtbetrag von über 45%. Der Aktienmarkt ist jedoch hat sich in diesem Jahr, über 88%.

Bank Bestände, Lloyds TSB Bank fielen 3,1%, HBOS fielen 3,4 Prozent.

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Die Europäische Kommission hat eine neue Version der deutschen Finanzhilfe Programm

Die Europäische Kommission hat vor kurzem beschlossen, dass die deutsche Regierung genehmigt die revidierte finanzielle Hilfe für die deutsche Regierung an die deutschen Geschäftsbanken injizieren Release.

Die Europäische Kommission sagte in einer Erklärung am 12. Januar, Deutschlands ehemaligen finanzielle Hilfe-Programm aus wichtigen Änderungen in Bezug auf staatliche Finanzierung der Frage der Rückkehr, im Einklang mit der Überprüfung durch die Europäische Kommission vor kurzem Vorschriften über staatliche Subventionen für die Zulassung, daher genehmigt werden.

Die Europäische Kommission hat am 27. Oktober genehmigte die deutsche Regierung 500,000,000,000 Euro von finanziellen Beihilfen. Als Teil des Plans, die deutsche Regierung beabsichtigt, großen Banken in Deutschland an die nationalen Handelsbanken injiziert Euro, aber nicht in der Lage war, sich über die Europäische Kommission hat Deutschland weckte Unzufriedenheit.

Gezwungen, kommen aus Deutschland und Frankreich, einige der Druck auf die Mitgliedstaaten, die Europäische Kommission angekündigt, am 8. Prüfung und Genehmigung der neuen Vorschriften zu entspannen helfen Mitglieder der Finanzinstitute Begrenzung der Subventionen, die ist ein wichtiger Teil der Mitgliedsländer zugelassen werden, um die reale Wirtschaft Um die finanzielle Lage der Finanzinstitute zu helfen. Da die Injektion von geringem Risiko, Zinssätze kann entsprechend gering, was bedeutet, dass in der Tat diese Finanzinstitute in der Lage, genießen Sie einen mehr "Zugeständnisse" staatliche Subventionen.

Wettbewerb innerhalb der Europäischen Union Mitglied Likelesi gesagt, dass nach wiederholten Konsultationen, die Europäische Kommission und die Regierung von Deutschland hat schließlich festgestellt, eine für beide Seiten annehmbare Lösung, in diesem Rahmen, der deutschen Regierung in der Lage, Deutschland zu den Geschäftsbanken für eine Kapitalerhöhung.
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Eine große Anzahl von neuen Mittel fließen in China, der Schweiz, Deutschland-Equity-Fonds so beliebt in diesen Tagen

Nach den Emerging Markets Portfolio Forschung (EPFR) 4 am 11. Freigabe der Daten, wie der am vergangenen Mittwoch der Vorwoche, "Beishoulengluo" Europe Equity Fund, führte schließlich im November 2005, da der größte Anteil der Höhe der Jingshen Gou. Fließt nach Asien (ohne Japan) Equity Funds of Funds auch Auswirkungen auf die seit 19 Wochen einen neuen Höchststand.

Viele Investoren haben gesehen, die Ende des zweiten Darlehens Krise der Hoffnung. Letzte Woche, China, der Schweiz und in Deutschland, vor allem heiß-Selling-Fonds Lager. High-Yield-Rentenfonds, Geldmarktfonds wurde auch eine starke Zufluss von Geldern. Jing Shengou Firma wurde auch die Höhe der globalen Emerging Markets, Global, Lateinamerika und im Pazifik Equity Fund, Emerging Markets Bond Fund und den Vereinigten Staaten, sowie eine Reihe von Sektor-Fonds.

"Jeder Tag, an dem der Fluss der Mittel-Daten zeigt, dass bis Ende März der Kapitalflüsse in die Emerging Markets scheinen Zeichen der Wendepunkt, sondern auf der 2. April von der Europäischen Börse Wendepunkt klarer." EPFR Global Executive Director Brad Durham sagte.

Letzte Woche, ein paar Mittel wurden netto Einlösung von der Gruppe der Energie, Gesundheitswesen / Biotechnologie und Telekommunikation Mittel, Europa, dem Mittleren Osten und Afrika (EMEA) und Japan Equity Fund, Global Bond Fund.

Asien (außer Japan)-Equity-Fonds in der zweiten Woche in Folge in diesem Jahr, die beste Reihe von finanziellen Leistungen, die Investor Jing Shengou US-Dollar. Die neue Finanzierung ist das wichtigste chinesische Index Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) haben zog, ETF Jingshen Gou war mehr als US-Dollar.

Indien, Singapur und Taiwan China Equity Fund wurde auch moderate Jingshen Gou, durch die Korea Equity Fund für die ersten 15 Wochen wurde ein Reinverlust von Erlösung.

"Letztes Jahr, Chinesisch Lager Kauf eines der wichtigsten Fonds - China in die Hong Kong Equity-Dachfonds, praktisch ausgetrocknet in den letzten Wochen," EPFR Global, ein Senior Analyst Cameron Brandt sagte: "Ein Teil der Grund zurückzuführen auf die durch-Bahn-Projekt lief gestrandet, als auch in Hong Kong IPO-Aktivität verlangsamt. "

Schweiz wegen eines einzigen ETF Jing Shengou der Betrag weiter kräftig zu, was Europa Lager Mittel der vergangenen Woche in November 2005 war der höchste seit der Single-Wochen Verkauf Jingshen Gou. Letzte Woche, aber die Mittel sind geprägt von vielen als 468.000.000 Dollar von Geldern Jing Shengou-Equity-Fonds in Deutschland. Obwohl die Europäische Zentralbank wird weiterhin zu halten Inflation als das wichtigste Ziel, nicht an die Zinssenkung, Investoren wieder "Besuch" dem europäischen Markt.

Wie der US-Plan zur Stimulierung der Wirtschaft profitieren die Öffentlichkeit, Wal-Mart ist auch erwartet, dass Gewinn mehr optimistisch über das Ergebnis der Gebrauchsgüter-, Verbrauchsgüter-Sektor Mittel der vergangenen Woche war ein starker Zustrom von neuen Fonds, Rohstoffe, Immobilien-, Finanz-, Technologie-und öffentlichen Sektor Mittel zum Erwerb von neuem Kapital .

Anfang April, High-Yield-Rentenfonds war 3 Jahre, die größte der neuen Hauptstadt, in der vergangenen Woche Jingshen Gou wurde 877,000,000 US-Dollar. US Federal Reserve's aggressive Zinssatz Stabilität in der Kredit-Maßnahmen, die globale Credit Default liegt immer noch unter 2% - obwohl der Trend allmählich steigt, einige Investoren erwarteten High-Yield-Bonds Mai werden über-verkauft.

Money Market Fund, Balanced Fund, den Vereinigten Staaten und Emerging Markets Rentenfonds wurden auch Jing Shengou 19.400.000.000 US-Dollar, und 261.000.000 US-Dollar, und 150.000.000 US-Dollar und 143.000.000 US-Dollar. In diesem Jahr hat die Geldmarktfonds zur Aufnahme neuer Mittel sich über US-Dollar. Global Bond Fund Nr. 9 Wochen in Folge wurde ein Netto-Erlösung, aber 194.000.000 Dollar netto Rücknahme der Band in diesem Jahr, deutlich unter dem Durchschnitt der wöchentlichen 552.000.000 Dollar netto in Einlösung Ebenen.

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Deutsch Stock Exchange Index bis scharf

Obwohl die Europäische Zentralbank beschlossen, die Zinssätze unverändert Mittwoch, aber die Aktie ist nach wie vor steigt. Deutschlands Börse DAX-Index über die 6000 Punkte auf ein Mal, das ist 4 Wochen an seinem höchsten Punkt, da insbesondere in Technologie-Aktien stark machen. Ein Händler der Ansicht, dass es sich hierbei um ein sehr gutes Zeichen.


Industrial investment in Britain on December 29 of the Exchange crude oil market, gold

The euro against the dollar the euro against the dollar last Friday continuation of the decline, higher Friday. The low-income to low-opened Monday paving the way. Random index and the relative strength index bearish, indicating a short-term peak may be or appear to be. Only when the market below the moving average near the close on the 20th in order to determine a short-term downturn is over. If you refresh the market rise last week, the next objective of up to the July-October drop back to 75% of the stalls.

U.S. dollar against the yen rise against the yen continue Wednesday, Friday in a package form on-line higher, but still higher than the average of the past on the 10th move. To the closing price of Monday to lay the foundation for the stability of the opening. Only when the market is higher than in the past on the 20th move, on average close to determine a short-term downturn is over. If you refresh the decline in the autumn of this year, next fall in support of the target price.

Pound sterling against the U.S. dollar against the U.S. dollar last week extension of the decline, the low-income Friday. The low-income to low-opened Monday paving the way. Random index and the relative strength index bearish, indicating that the recent trend of cross-cutting may be dropped even lower. If the market declines continue this week, the next goal fell to the lowest level this week. Only when the market is higher than the average of recent closing on the 10th move in order to change the bearish market in the near future. Only when the next higher than the highest closing last Wednesday in order to refresh rise this month.

USDCHF USDCHF continuation of the decline last week, closed lower Friday. The low-income to low-opened Monday paving the way. Random index and the relative strength index showed that the horizontal movement may be dropped even lower in the near future. If the market decline this month extension, the next goal for this summer, fall or 75% of the back stalls. Only when the market is higher than in the past on the 20th move, on average close to the recent change appears to be market friendly.


Gold in super-high price of gold closed Friday, putting an end to last week's decline after the peak. The higher Monday to lay the foundation for high-opened. Random index and the relative strength index rising, indicating that the recent trend of cross-cutting may rise even higher. If you refresh the market rise this month, the next goal for October was up high. Only when the market below the moving average near the close on the 20th in order to determine a peak is over.

Silver silver extend declines Tuesday, and Friday by the impact of higher short-covering. The higher Monday to lay the foundation for high-opened. Random index and the relative strength index is still bearish, indicating that the recent trend of cross-cutting may be dropped even lower. Only when the market is many times below the moving average near the close on the 20th in order to determine a short-term peak has come to an end. If you refresh the market rise last week, the next goal for the callback prices rose.
U.S. stock index

The Dow Jones industrial average Dow Jones industrial average extension of short-covering after the rise, in Friday's light trading post, but still higher than the average of the past on the 20th move. The higher Monday for the opening of the high-lay the foundation for. S & P Friday in light trading post, but still higher than the average of the past on the 20th move. The higher Monday for the opening of the high-lay the foundation for. Random index and the relative strength index is still bearish, indicating that the recent trend of cross-cutting may be dropped even lower. The Nasdaq index closed Friday in light trading post, but still higher than the average of the past on the 20th move. The higher Monday for the opening of the high-lay the foundation for. Random index and the relative strength index is still bearish, indicating that the recent trend of cross-cutting may be dropped even lower.

Continuation of the decline of crude oil this week, Friday in a package form on-line higher. The higher Monday to lay the foundation for high-opened. Random index and the relative strength index reached oversold, but still bearish, indicating that the recent trend of cross-cutting may be dropped even lower. If the continuation of the market decline this year, next fall in support of the target price. Only when the market is higher than the highest closing last Monday to set a short-term downturn is over.

Extension of natural gas and natural gas rise Wednesday, closing Friday at a high price. The low-income to low-opened Monday paving the way. Random index and the relative strength index is still bullish, indicating that the recent trend of cross-cutting may rise even higher. If the market extend gains this week, up the next goal back for the high prices. Only when the market below the moving average near the close on the 10th, can change in the near future appears to be market friendly.

Coffee coffee Friday by the impact of higher short-covering, the low-income to low-opened Monday paving the way. Random index and the relative strength index bearish, indicating that the recent trend of cross-cutting may be dropped even lower. If the market declines continue this week, the next goal fell to the lowest level this month. Only when the market is higher than the closing price back in order to set up this month.
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U.S. foreign exchange reserves of gold is 76% of China is 99% of the U.S.

The United States is the largest debtor country, China is the largest creditor, but gold is the United States has more than 10 times that of Germany's gold reserves is also more than 5 times, gold reserves in China are not with the international practice, which is We are vulnerable host. People are hoarding the metal --- gold, we have --- hoarding the paper dollar. I do not know that precious? Material may be Americans, the Chinese aesthetic.

Gold represents the foreign exchange reserves, so what? King of the Kingdom of metal is the most precious and most Some of the most rare kind. Foreign exchange reserves of gold represents a country's foreign debt and wealth levels, as well as the national currency to maintain exchange rate stability. It is well known that gold is the real hard currency, not only to facilitate the exchange of currencies and the value of relatively stable, around the world, the purchasing power of gold are more stable and reliable; foreign exchange reserves is in fact the currency of the country Claims, holding that currency, then we have a country in the purchasing power of the country's stability is fundamental. And the largest foreign exchange reserves, gold reserves is to make sense of their own in the international market will not be with the purchasing power of the national currency exchange rate fluctuations, thereby increasing the stability of the economy. On the other hand, and freely convertible currency linked exchange rate, enough to hold foreign exchange reserves, the country can maintain exchange rate stability, the international floating capital to guard against the impact of this economic crisis in Southeast Asia, the Hong Kong dollar to defend the war reflects the very full.
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Porsche-Aktien durch Fox zu groß?

In den Vereinigten Staaten am Rande des Konkurses drei großen Auto-Pflanzen, die Regierung weiter zu schreien "Hilfe", Deutschlands Porsche (Porsche) hat Fan Tian, ein Jahr Gewinn mehr als US-Dollar.

Porsche Motor Company angekündigt, auf dem 7., bis Ende Juli Frist für das Geschäftsjahr, PRETAX Gewinn stieg 46 Prozent auf 8,570,000,000 Euro, den Gegenwert von 10,900,000,000 US-Dollar. Allerdings, 80 Prozent der Gewinne aus der Herstellung Auto ist nicht, aber geschickt operativen Gewinn von Finanzinstrumenten, die für eine lange Zeit, Porsche und Volkswagen möchte kaufen (VW) die Absicht der Beziehung gehen einen langen Weg.

Porsche in den operativen Gewinn, den tatsächlichen Depot für mehr als zwei General der Vereinigten Staaten und der Ford Motor Company der gesamten Marktwert. Der Aktienkurs Folie den ganzen Weg von General Motors, hat nur ein paar von den aktuellen Marktwert von 2.470.000.000 US-Dollar, Ford nur 4.570.000.000 US-Dollar.

Führte die "Seefischerei" ist der seit langem Porsche Wade König und Chief Financial Officer und besondere, aber was noch wichtiger ist, ihre Zusammenarbeit und die Volkswagen Beetle ist der Schöpfer der Enkel des zwei Schnee-bo (Wolfgang Porsche) Piech und (Ferdinand Piech), sie sind die Porsche und Volkswagen Präsident des Verwaltungsrates.

Seit 2005, Porsche durch eine Auswahl der richtigen Werkzeuge, um große Gewinne, und ihnen helfen, ruhig auf die Schaffung von Fox riesige Betriebe, und der Markt hat keine Informationen über diese. Bis zum Ende des letzten Monats, Porsche offengelegt werden Informationen ergibt sich, dass sie wirkliche Kontrolle über die Marktanteile der meisten der Fox, Volkswagen-Aktie wurde zusammen mit einem spektakulären Anstieg der es.

Dies hat zur Folge, die ursprüngliche Bestand an Fox's kurz Hedge-Fonds, rollte sie in die klassische Falle Luft, die Fox-Aktie hochgeschossen sogar, damit die globale Marktwert der Volkswagen Auto Unternehmens höchsten Thron. Die Hedge-Fund-Industrie verzweifelt auf dem Markt der Jagd nach einer begrenzten Bestand an die Ergebnisse ihrer Woche in nur ein paar Stunden auf den Verlust von Hunderten von Millionen Dollar.

Die Porsche-Bewegung zeigt, dass die traditionellen Old Economy Hersteller haben zu lernen, von Hedge-Fonds, und haben die Fähigkeit, Hedge-Fonds in den wichtigsten Schlachtfeld zu besiegen sind.

Porsche setzt über die Strategie in der globalen Automobilindustrie Ku Haha, oder sogar um sein Überleben kämpft, in den letzten Geschäftsjahr der Reingewinn stieg Trend 51% erreicht hat 6.390.000.000 Euro. Darüber hinaus ist die Regelung im Juli nur auf das Haushaltsjahr, nicht einmal spiegelt sich in letzten Monat auf der großen Gewinn.

Allerdings hat sie noch nicht zu Ende, Deutsch monetären Behörden haben zu untersuchen, um herauszufinden, ob es ein Porsche unsachgemäße Betrieb des Fox Aktien Verdächtigen. Porsche betonte, dass sie keine Verfehlung, Fox Aktienkurs Boom ist das Ergebnis einer kurzen Auffüllung.

Aber auf der anderen Seite, Porsche Porsche will Kontrolle der Einnahmen ist 15-mal die Ausgabe von bis zu 60 mal mehr der Volkswagen hat es den Anschein, dass es viele Hindernisse zu überwinden.

18. Juni über US-Aktienmarkt Kommentare

Übernachtung, die US-Börse Gaokaidizou, die Schwingung, sechs und eine halbe Stunde der Sitzung Handel, keine großen Multi-Widerstand beeilte entwaffnen, die großen Index Schließung ein nach dem anderen fallen.

Stellen Sie vor 8.30 Uhr New Yorker Zeit, die Vereinigten Staaten angekündigt, im Mai Producer Price Index, im ersten Quartal des laufenden Kontos im Mai und Wohnen beginnt, 9.15 veröffentlicht im Mai die industrielle Produktion Daten. Unter ihnen, die Mai Erzeugerpreis-Index stieg 1,4 Prozent auf Satz, der Markt wird mit einem Anstieg 1,0 Prozent im ersten Quartal Leistungsbilanzdefizit 176,400,000,000 US-Dollar, dem Markt Defizit wird erwartet, dass 173,000,000,000 US-Dollar, im Mai beginnt Gehäuse Anzahl von 975.000, der Markt erwartet 980.000 000, ein Rückgang von 3,3 Prozent, während im April stieg auf 2,0 Prozent. Mai Industrieproduktion sank 0,2 Prozent, während der Markt mit einem Anstieg 0,2 Prozent. Keine Daten zeigen die US-Wirtschaft im Laufe der letzten Monate hat sich verbessert, ob es sich um die Erhöhung der Defizit-oder Abnahme der Zahl der Wohnungen beginnt, Industrieproduktion war auch viel höher als der Markt erwartet einen Rückgang von 0,2 Prozent.

Dies hat zur Folge, der Dow eröffnet flach auf 12.269,65, nach einem kleinen roten auf ein, dann in New York bei etwa 10:20 Stunden gestern zu schließen unter dem Punkt bei 12.269,08 nach einem Tag nicht mehr als wirksam bis zu überqueren. S & P 500 in der offenen hohen 1360,71, der Nasdaq Composite Index eröffnete höher auf 2481,20. In Nachmittag Handel an der New Yorker Markt, dem Zeitpunkt, zu dem eine Konsolidierung, am Nachmittag weiter zurück heute Morgen. Nah an allen wichtigen Indizes geschlossen bei ihrer niedrigsten Punkt in den Tag in der Nähe. Der Dow Jones Industrial Average geschlossen auf 12.160,30 Punkte, die 108,78 Punkte, was einem Rückgang von 0,89%, S & P 500 wird um 1350,93 Punkte, die 9,21 Punkte oder 0,68 Prozent, der Nasdaq-Composite-Index sank der Nähe auf 2457,73 Punkte, die 17/05 Punkte oder 0,69 Prozent.

Der Dow Jones Industrial Average der 30-Komponente Bestände, nur 3 bis, alle chemische Energie Industrie, die, Chevron stiegen 0,88 Prozent bis 0,02 Prozent DuPont, Exxon Mobil stiegen 0,72 Prozent, mit der Rohöl-Markt in den frühen Steht in engem Zusammenhang mit den Anzeichen für eine Anpassung nach unten, während die Rohöl-Futures-Preise wurden, die für zwei Tage an der aktuellen Preisen, die unter 134 Dollar pro Barrel. Rückgang in der Spitze der vor ein paar Tagen, ist der führende Markt Rebound in der Finanzbranche, American International Group sank 5,09 Prozent, Bank of America sank 3,56 Prozent oder 2,25% JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup sanken 1,78 Prozent.

Grundlagen, eine Reihe von enttäuschenden Daten nur zu entzünden die Flamme eines Rebound auf Doutou gegossen kaltem Wasser auf dem Topf, so scheint es unvermeidlich, dass der Markt sollte sich weiterhin um die Preise unten. Montag, der Preis für Rohöl bei 140 Dollar auf die Exploration nicht nach mehr als 139 Dollar aus dem rasch sank auf unter 134 US-Dollar. Der Rückgang der Rohölpreise auf dem Markt ist ein Lichtblick, das Tempo der Inflation scheint sich zu verlangsamen, besonders spannend ist, dass der Preis für Rohöl der nicht getestet wurde, weil die Wellen, die durch die Abwertung des Dollar. Allerdings, wenn die Ölpreise ansteigen werden in dieser Hinsicht in die Fußstapfen des Marktes hängt davon ab, der nächste Schritt. Darüber hinaus hat die Regierung eine neue Kontrollmaßnahmen, in einer grundlegenden Umkehrung der Zeichen vor der Börse Talsohle in diesem Zusammenhang können nicht abgeholt werden.

Technisch, Dienstag, der Dow geschlossen letzten passieren Karte aus einer Reihe von Videos auf dem großen nackten Line, die nach wie vor eine schwere Sell-off der Spitze der Show, und auf dem Markt in der Nähe der niedrigste Punkt in den Tag hat gezeigt, dass viele sich nicht leisten können, zu schließen Gegenangriff, 10, Durchschnitt K, so dass die Zeile nicht unterdrücken konnte den Anstieg. Wird voraussichtlich innerhalb der nächsten Tage, die Märkte haben eine Chance, Aufschlüsselung nach unten am vergangenen Donnerstag die Bildung der aktuellen Runde der Festlegung gering.

Besorgt über die Bestände: Alcoa (AA), eine geeignete kurz; JP Morgan Chase (JPM), eine geeignete kurz; Vimicro (VIMC) geeignete, noch mehr zu tun.
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Last week the U.S. stock market destinations not running

There is a long served as team manager of the Baltimore-dimensional Buddha • Earl (Earl Weaver) there have been handed down the old baseball adage ─ ─ momentum is tomorrow's starting pitcher. This is the stock market's recent trading situation: There is no ongoing strong market trend, there is no clear and sustained investment inflows or outflows, but fluctuations in the stock was range trend, stock market performance of the all-good or bad depends on a variety of economic data or corporate news In line with expectations. In such a situation on the last Friday, when the stock market has been rising sharply in the second quarter GDP growth was weaker than expected led to a strong stock market rise on the same day the main reason. Some investors believe that the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) finally have reason to be going on for two years of rate increases to stop the process. The evidence is clear that with the bond market's performance mercilessly crushed in the Fed again on August 8 interest rate increase the possibility that the United States on the stock market. In view of this concept has been deeply rooted in the number of new jobs in July than expected in the news last Friday morning after the announcement out, the stock market and a repeat of that again. The stock market opened after 15 minutes, the Dow Jones industrial average on the price index rose 101 points, the Fed is the result of factors play a role, but the increase in the remainder of the day's loss exhaustive. The Dow Jones industrial average closed down last Friday 2:00, the whole week increased the accumulated 20 points to 11,240 points. Standard & Poor's 500 index and the Nasdaq composite index last week, no gains, which rose 1 point to 1279 points, which fell 9 points, down 20.85 points. Ironically, even though Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke (Ben Bernanke) will be the second this week, short-term interest rates remain at the level of 5.25 percent unchanged, investors are still not a clear clue. It was not because Ben Bernanke in the market and to communicate what mistakes, but continued growth slowed due to the economic characteristics, economic growth had dropped to a low level of danger. The boom in the housing market is declining, there is a rising trend of inflation, the situation is exactly what will happen no one is currently difficult to draw a conclusion. Economic situation and the current cycle of monetary policy are in such a delicate nodes. Although the two markets that Bernanke this week chose not to increase interest rates as high as 75%, but he will choose to raise interest rates at least the possibility still exists, if he really did was make a considerable part investors disappointed. Wall Street view, the ideal situation, of course, the U.S. economy is resilient enough to have, even if coupled with the interest rate several times not enough to pose a threat to its growth efforts. If we only study the various points of the index, the market will find: Standard & Poor's index has been out of the low in June, and recovered more than half of the five or six months when the ground, but the index is currently below its May high at the time of Still lower than 3%. However, participation in the stock does not rebound, the stock market in the future prospects they are still doubts and fears, which hinted that the future growth of the company's poor have become victims. In July, Standard & Poor's 500 Index constituent stocks of 500 in 68 fall at least 10%, 13 fell more than 20%, compared with only 25 stocks rose more than 10%, only A stock up 20%. Change the shares of almost all its earnings-related. From the short-term, sentiment indicators showed a slight sign of caution, but do not seem to hinder the emergence of short-term surge in prices. Robin Carpenter of hedge funds last week, the stock position will be in position to control the range of one-third of the low level of individual investors are money market funds transfer to a lot of money. However, before the emergence of a rebound in the short-term oversold signs no longer exist. Carpenter said that the traditional mutual fund managers are still burdened with high stock position. Yes, take a look at the money market fund inflows ─ ─ as well as Charles Schwab (Charles Schwab) announced last week its customers CDs investment reached a record level of operations ─ ─ from the reverse perspective, this is perhaps the against The signal to buy stocks. We are very clear when investors will be turned into a hedge emotional desire (in the stock market surged after the start.) But we do not know the exact time. It now appears that the inflow of retail funds can indeed be seen as the end of the 1990s surge in pre-market bullish signal, after all, but one day the market down. At the moment and investors to avoid stocks and indeed can be said to be cautious performance, but sooner or later will be reversed. The most bullish analysts, the reason being that borrowing Fed rate hike coming to an end. But in the market after the Fed stopped raising interest rates still tend to feel bad about it, because the Fed's actions have been sufficient to prove that economic growth and earnings prospects are at risk, and may lead to the final cut. For this reason, bond investors have begun to digest the rate cut may be in the first half of 2007. Market subconsciously made this understanding: Fed to do as a movement of people (interest rates), only to find a psychological comfort, a dessert for the next (rate cut) to prepare. From the Fed to relax ahead of the situation, seems to be sweet feast of the inevitable. But the final action must be going through a painful choice ─ ─ or is truly concerned about the recession, or out of fear of inflation. Whenever people recalled the years 1994-1995, "the medium-term adjustment" as well as the popularity of the market downturn, the pain disappeared long ago, as it is anything at the end of the 1990s will be able to achieve 20% increase in the prelude. But do not forget that in 1994 the Standard & Poor's 500 index from high to low down 10%, worse performance of the Dow Jones index, the bond market Yixieqianli, brokerage industry overall losses. By 1995, GDP growth fell to a quarter of 1%, Charles Schwab's stock was selling 10%. At the same time, the 10-year bond yields during the year were down 8% from 5.5%.


U.S. Stocks Rise, S&P 500 Posts Back-to-Back Gains; GM Rallies

By Elizabeth Stanton

Dec. 26 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks rose, giving the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index its first back-to-back gains in three weeks, after GMAC LLC’s conversion to a bank spurred a rally in General Motors Corp. and oil’s increase sent Exxon Mobil Corp. higher.

GM jumped 13 percent and Ford Motor Co. climbed 8.5 percent. The Federal Reserve’s approval of GMAC’s shift eased the threat that the automobile lender, which provides financing to GM dealers, will default. Exxon advanced after oil surged 6.7 percent to $37.71 a barrel. Macy’s Inc. lost 2.5 percent on data from SpendingPulse that suggested holiday-shopping sales dropped the most in four decades.

“The taxpayers are bailing out another financial company,” Ralph Shive, the South Bend, Indiana-based manager of the $800 million Wasatch 1st Source Income Equity Fund, said of GMAC’s conversion. “In the long run it may come back to haunt us, but in the short run it’s being viewed as a positive.”

The S&P 500 added 0.5 percent to 872.80. The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 47.07 points, or 0.6 percent, to 8,515.55. The Russell 2000 Index of small companies rose 1.3 percent to 476.77.

Fewer than 4.3 billion shares traded in the U.S., or 58 percent less than the three-month average. Almost 3.64 billion shares changed hands on Dec. 24, the least since Dec. 26, 2003, as trading on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq Stock Market ended three hours early before the Christmas holiday.

The MSCI Asia Pacific Index rose 0.3 percent today on speculation takeovers and higher memory-chip prices will help the technology industry overcome the economic slowdown. Markets were closed in western Europe, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand and the Philippines, while yesterday and today were Japan’s two slowest full days of trading in the past five years.

Economic Reports

The S&P 500 fell 1.7 percent during the holiday-shortened week, extending its 2008 slide to 41 percent as home prices plunged, the government confirmed the economy contracted by the most since 2001 last quarter and the outlook for corporate earnings deteriorated.

GM advanced 13 percent to $3.66 for the biggest gain in the Dow average and the third-largest in the S&P 500. The Fed used emergency powers to grant GMAC’s bank conversion, citing turmoil in financial markets and the potential impact on GM as the biggest U.S. automaker taps emergency federal loans to stay in business.

Ford Motor Co. added 8.5 percent to $2.29.

GMAC’s shift to a bank may help prevent a default that threatened to dry up credit for GM dealers who used the company to finance about three-quarters of their inventory. GMAC also handled loans for about 35 percent of GM’s 2007 retail buyers.

Oil Production Cuts

Exxon, the biggest U.S. energy company, advanced 1.9 percent to $77.19 and contributed most to the S&P 500’s gain. Crude oil futures rose the most in two weeks after the United Arab Emirates said it would reduce output to comply with OPEC’s supply curbs.

Macy’s, the second-largest U.S. department-store company, fell 2.5 percent to $8.60. Nordstrom Inc. lost 1.2 percent to $11.91.

Discounts of 70 percent or more by Macy’s, AnnTaylor Stores Inc. and other retailers failed to prevent a spending drop of as much as 4 percent during the final two months of the year, according to data from SpendingPulse. Including fuel, sales tumbled as much as 8 percent.

The SpendingPulse data follow forecasts of falling sales from industry groups. Sales at stores open at least a year may drop as much as 2 percent in November and December, the International Council of Shopping Centers said on Dec. 23, the worst drop since at least 1969.

‘Best Ever’

Amazon.com Inc. rose 0.7 percent to $51.78. The world’s largest Internet retailer said this was its “best ever” holiday season, with a record number of orders on Dec. 15. Amazon didn’t provide specific profit or revenue data.

The U.S. stock market historically performs better-than- average during the Christmas week, according to Bespoke Investment Group LLC. The Dow average has risen an average 0.7 percent during the holiday season, compared with a 0.1 percent advance for all 4-day periods, data since 1900 from the Harrison, New York-based research firm show.

Jones Apparel Group Inc. surged 44 percent, the most since it began trading in 1991, to $5.62. The maker of Jones New York clothing and Nine West shoes reduced its credit lines and got more flexible lending terms from bankers.

In Asia, AU Optronics Corp., Taiwan’s largest liquid- crystal-display maker, climbed 2.5 percent after saying it was open to a merger. Hynix Semiconductor Inc., the world’s second- largest maker of computer memory, jumped 3.1 percent as it trimmed investment plans. India’s Reliance Petroleum Ltd. surged 6.7 percent after it started processing oil at a new refinery.

“We’re going to see lot of merger and acquisition activities as restructuring goes on at companies that are really sensitive to the economic slowdown,” said Kim Yong Tae, who helps manage about $2.3 billion at Yurie Asset Management Co. in Seoul. “Chipmakers continue to reduce oversupply and that’s positive for the industry.”


Revelation: Song Meiling life of the number of Fortune »

U.S. "Time" on the cover of the Song Meiling
Speaking of unmatched Song Three Sisters, a sentence reviews: "Big Sister love money, Erjie patriotism, love Sanmei right." Indeed, the eldest sister Soong Ai-ling to follow her husband - home Shanxi fiscal Kong Xiangxi, how can we not love Choi »2 Sister Soong Ching Ling to follow her husband - revolutionary Dr. Sun Yat-sen, how can we not patriotic »Sanmei Song Meiling follow her husband - was chairman, president Chiang Kai-shek, how can we not love the right to« their respective independent of the end of the journey of life.

Among them, Song Meiling (1897-2003), the longest life expectancy, across three centuries. The three sisters available to future generations forever Shui Buwan topic.

This paper is a discussion of the topic of mystery - Song Meiling life of wealth Colour »

The death of 106-year-old Song Meiling left no memoirs or Zixu Chuan. During his lifetime, often Youren Quan Song Meiling written text or oral history, but she was Wanyanxiejue. Song Meiling no children in Taiwan and the United States has not left the two industries. Serve her later years Miss Kong Jiada KONG Ling-(Kong Xiangxi and Soong Ai-ling's eldest daughter), said: "Laofu people left behind only 120,000 dollars deposits."

For KONG Ling-in-Song Meiling memorial at the spread of the image of being indifferent to fame and fortune, many do not know that letter. However, Song Meiling life of the various periods, she still has the economic situation may find the clues.

Song only Quan Jiafu (front row from left: Soong Ai-ling right: Soong Ching Ling, a row of the right conclusion: Song Meiling)
(1) middle-aged for 10 million (Yinyuan) Fujie

Song Meiling Songyao by his father as astute businessmen mind and the accumulation of wealth means the impact of the Chinese people know very well that the right money relations theory. That is, when they are young revealed a strong political ambition, power and keen to do. December 1927 and married Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Kai-shek's secretary and the English translation, active in diplomatic occasions. Chiang Kai-shek introduced her to many aspects of Western culture and politics, to promote Chiang pro-US.

After marriage, she and two of the Chiang Kai-shek their financial independence, has been operating under a US-style system of the AA. Song Meiling in 1927 in Shanghai, there are a real estate, in the French Concession Xiafei Lu (Ji Jin Nanjing Road), is her marriage and the dowry of Chiang Kai-shek (这幢property in 1949 by a new Chinese regime confiscated, but now also still preserved.)

Song Meiling has long-term in government and community service, her job is a lucrative income. Such as: Established in 1929 the military Survivor schools, the establishment of "inspirational community" to cultural activities to contact the KMT military officers. Chiang Kai-shek in the implementation of the New Life Movement, she presided over the "New Life Movement of women consultants will." 1936 Song Meiling as the Secretary-General of the Aviation Committee, the KMT actively expand the Air Force.

Song Meiling also served as "China Women's Federation," founder and chairman, after the Chairman of the Board of Fu Jen Catholic University, Huaxing Yu Youyuan, Cheng Hsin Rehabilitation Medical Center, chairman, National Palace Museum Management Committee Standing Committee, was chairman of the Federation of Women . ……

December 26, 1934 "is Jiangnan" shows: "State House in Benbu dignitaries…… all the property is estimated to be, Chiang Kai-shek 13 million Yinyuan, Song Meiling 35 million Yinyuan……." At that time, the purchasing power equivalent to 1 Yinyuan now 60 yuan RMB. In other words, if rumor is true, then at that time, Song Meiling personal property now has the equivalent of 2.1 billion yuan, Chiang Kai-shek is two and a half times. This data was also found in the "Diary of Cai Yuanpei," yet to be confirmed.

However, it is estimated that the middle-aged Song Meiling property Yinyuan the number reached 10 million level, you can still agree to it.

(2) Anti-Japanese War, foreign banks in Shanghai by the Japanese occupation of deposits

October 17, 1939, "Japan's secret services to the KMT senior government officials in Shanghai, foreign bank deposits" of the secret investigation report "on board the special Group C No. 1 - the dignitaries of foreign banks in Shanghai pre-payment (deposit) to investigate Table ", of which: Chiang Kai-shek 66.39 million yuan (at the time of the currency and U.S. dollar exchange rate, about 8.09 million U.S. dollars, the same below), Song Meiling 30.94 million yuan (3.77 million U.S. dollars). Currency devaluation of 1939, about one yuan coin of this 15 yuan or so converted - 1 dollars at that time about 15 dollars today. Please note: This period of the eastern half of China's territory has been occupied by the Japanese Government has already moved to Chongqing. Song Meiling personal savings here only half of Chiang Kai-shek. (However, these specific data has yet to be verified again.)

In December 1941 after the outbreak of war in the Pacific, the Japanese invaders took over the foreign banks in Shanghai, is said to have seized the "KMT politicians" in Shanghai's foreign banks deposits.
Song three sisters had a group photo (from left to right) Song Meiling, Soong Ai-ling, Soong Ching Ling
(3) Song Meiling of personal property to overestimate

We should Song Jiang's personal property with the KMT government property, to distinguish, can not be confused with.

"People's Daily" (January 8, 1990) based on historical information said: KMT from the mainland in 1949, has three groups actually delivered to Taiwan's gold in a total of 2.775 million two, silver dollar 15.2 million yuan. It was also "Memoirs of Li Zongren," said: "It was the Control Yuan report of the Finance Committee of the conclave, the note-issuing treasury stock with a total value of 350 million U.S. dollars. This figure is based on China's open-market prices; if in accordance with the ratio of overseas, this is still more than a few . All the gold stocks to 3.9 million ounces (1 oz = 31.1030 grams), the foreign exchange value of 70 million U.S. dollars and 70 million U.S. dollars of silver. The total of about 500 million U.S. dollars from top to bottom. "

Some information said: Song Meiling was the personal property has reached 250 million U.S. dollars (equivalent to half of the state treasury stock ») is clearly exaggerated and not credible.

(4) in 1949 in the United States property

Song Meiling November 1948 to the United States for help, but the cold shoulder by President Truman. Truman at the time the KMT has lost confidence and hope he has aides frank talk about the KMT government's "corrupt and bad guys," the most important two-hole family - in the war of resistance, a major national crisis Choi, withholding USAID, Used to set up his own company, reselling the United States Yuanhua materials, self plans; during the civil war, repeatedly asking the U.S. government, to a large number of dollars into their own enterprises in the mainland Kuomintang regime on the eve of imminent collapse, the first to transfer the property Overseas, especially in the United States can not allow this…… Truman angry? »

Song Meiling in late 1948, early 1949 failure of the United States for help, they scrambled to the United States to manage their private property, so that her nephew in charge of helping KONG Ling-Kan. At that time, home-purchase of a property worth 1.5 million dollars.

Have information that:-Song 2 (Song Ziwen Kong Xiangxi and mainly) 40 USAID material and the use of their special way in the United States engage in Toujidaoba, identified by the U.S. Treasury tens of millions of dollars of tax evasion, the divisions that President Truman. U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. Treasury joint inventory, preliminary view is that, in the United States of illegal property of dubious origin actually reach more than 2 billion dollars, allegedly in the United States, Africa and France to freeze assets and bank insurance in the United States Curry dubious origin antiques, Crafts, jewelry , Gold, fill-tax amount and a fine. But finally nothing, as Doubtful Case.

For more information analysis can be done as follows: (1) should the assets of the KMT government with the so-called "Sitaijiazu" separate personal private property, can not be confused with, (2) 1949 2-for-property survey in the United States, So far is mixed, the truth not known.

Song Meiling in the front line when the Anti-Japanese War
(5) Song Meiling life after the main revenue come from »

Chiang Kai-shek dies (April 5, 1975) before every two to three months will be a Song Meiling allowance. Chiang Ching-kuo took office after the case. October 1983, should be invited to return to Taiwan Chiang Ching-kuo, released "I will be renewed," Chang-wen, Chiang Ching-kuo frequent activities to help appease the party veterans and military personnel to defuse resistance to innovation, the end of Kaifangdangjin.

January 1988 death of Chiang Ching-kuo, took part in funeral arrangements and revocation of martial law. After the withdrawal from the political arena, seclusion Taipei Shihlin residence.

The death of Chiang Ching-kuo (1988) and Song Meiling Lee Teng-hui met on the request: "You know, in the country, 'presidential palace' monthly gave me a provision, now by the death of the country, you still do not know This provision will give me »" After all, Song Meiling in accordance with the law should have去职"President" of the treatment of widows. Song Meiling on the request of Lee Teng-hui in general can meet her wishes.

(6) in the United States to settle after the huge expenditure on who »

Taiwan's "Times Weekly" reported that Song Meiling in the United States to settle the beginning, she did not have my name in what the property. This seems consistent with the actual situation. As she lives depend on the following hole-in-law, she will no longer care about money.

So after all these years she What are the lives of «Yaoduoshaoqian it will take about a year»

Song Meiling in 1972 "Sino-US joint communiques," was published, that in the maintenance of the relationship between Taiwan and the United States no longer matter for her, then transferred to the energy business Industries. In the United States to invest in oil and natural gas industries. 1984, the U.S. Associated Press reported that a telecommunications: "Madame Chiang Miss Song Meiling invest 5 million U.S. dollars, and Texas, Phillips Oil Company signed leases in New Mexico near the mining prospecting oil and natural gas cooperation……" . After that, this is the name of Kong Lingjie to her aunt, "to attract wide" for the business. Besides Hole, this is a Song. Focused on shopping malls, Song Meiling is also forced to withdraw from the political sphere but choice.

Original article reprint please specify: Reprinted from

Eight Diagrams entrepreneurial husband and wife relationship of the five criteria

A relationship: making the other more beautiful -
Typical representative: Pan Shiyi and Zhang Xin

A man and a woman, 12 years to do couples, in today is a very difficult thing these 12 years, the two not only at night to Dahuo live during the day but also to business partners, it is really hard on the pieces And difficult matter, and 12 with a short period of time to become husband and wife both of billions of Regal, it is simply

But the 43-year-old 42-year-old Pan Shiyi and Zhang Xinthese difficult January 1 in the foot pedal.

At 9:30 on October 8, 2007, China (0410. HK) in Hong Kong Stock Exchange main board listed on the official. Listed on the first day to 10.10 Hong Kong dollar closed, to close at 9.55 Hong Kong dollar, the Hong Kong dollar than the 8.30 issue price rose 15.06 percent. To the day closing price, SOHO China has reached a total market value of 47.7 billion Hong Kong dollar, the Pan Shiyi and his wife also worth a towering fly to 350 billion HK dollars, China's richest couples.

When a black frame of "China Pan" and a yellow streaked hair "of the United States", with 12 hours of heated run-in with the collision and eventually the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in a dazzling wealth of blooming flowers, the world's Young couples tempted to start a new round of the Fu Qidang entrepreneurial boom.

Relations between the two: Tuyangjiehe -
Typical representative: Wong Kwong Yu and his wife cuckoo

"Fu Qidang" enterprises, mainly in general is the man, the woman serving as a role-Neizhu. For example, instead of his wife Wong Kwong Yu Gome's cuckoo.

Rhododendron graduated from the Beijing University of Science and Technology of the lenders in the Bank of China. 1993, Wong Kwong Yu because the working relationship with the cuckoo acquaintance. That year, Wong Kwong Yu Gang and the separation of big brother Huang Junqin, is at a critical turning point on the cause. Both pretty capable and have good education background and work of Du Juan, undoubtedly it to the younger Wong Kwong Yu echocardiography, and not even the junior high school graduates Wong Kwong Yu, has a clever mind and to his enterprise, which also Du Juan Guamu to it. 1996, and Du Juan Wong Kwong Yu finally "Tuyangjiehe."

In 1999, Du Juan resign from the Bank of China, participate in the rapid development of the United States. She listed companies long as the executive director of Gome, Wong Kwong Yu care for their operations in Hong Kong, Peng-run investment is also vice president of the main groups responsible for overseas operations and acquisitions. March 20, 2007, Peng Run-Group and private equity investment company Bear Stearns commercial banks signed a memorandum of understanding to set up a maximum of 500 million U.S. dollars joint investment fund to invest in Chinese enterprises. And the major battles in the direct Caopan hand, is Wong Kwong Yu, wife of the cuckoo.

In the memorandum signed at the scene, Wong Kwong Yu side of the cuckoo is quite eye-catching - with her fluent English, quick thinking and partnership exchange deal with the United States.

Relations between the three: "Yinshengyangshuai" -

Typical representative: Zhang Yin Liu and her husband were in

"Fu Qidang" enterprises, there are also many "Yinshengyangshuai".

At a trade conference, Zhang Yan to know who was the husband of Liu. At that time, Liu is one of the great achievements in their career doctors, and do part-time steel trade, proficient in multiple languages. At the instigation Cheung Yan, Liu set aside in their careers, and her business. 1990, Zhang Yin and her husband Liu in the decision to move to the cause of the world's largest raw material market the United States, where the establishment of the United States and South Africa, for the purchase of factories in China and to provide recyclable waste paper. First arrived in the United States, would not say that the English Cheung Yan, accompanied by her husband in a search for a customer.

Cheung Yan Road with emotion afterwards, the women in the selection of the other half the time, we must value each other and whether you focus on the same cause, or can not understand each other, day for a long time will be tired. And Liu were in completely to achieve this, the company responsible for the development, handling the affairs of the company, he even than Zhang Yin is also formidable. Some people may mind: as a man, but in place under the woman. However, Liu in the vanity of those who do not care about the fundamental things. They live in the principle is: we should admit mistakes, but things were not right. , Chairman of Cheung Yan sometimes do not, as Liu Mingqi, vice president of the China Council for severe criticism.

Relations 4: equal -

Typical representative: WU Zheng and Yang Lan

"Fu Qidang" enterprises, there are two well-matched couples of.

WU Zheng and Yang Lan, the combination is a typical woman of her husband's wealth and business success stories. In the cause of division of labor, WU Zheng capital to operate and manage the main, Yang Lan is a little more creative, while concurrently with the company's image ambassador. In the overseas Chinese circles, WU Zheng have a very sound reputation of Chinese industrialist; to the mainland, because Yang Lan is the star, by the natural concern to more than WU Zheng, while in Hong Kong, the reputation of almost two. They have a common cultural ideas and strengths, of course, is complementary.

Another more typical is the "Pan Chang ticket." April 1994, Hainan had just the real estate bubble in the "victory of the flight," came to Beijing and the development of the Pan Shiyi, the Pinglun introduced to the work in the Wall Street bank Goldman Sachs Zhang Xin. "Tubie" and "Turtle" of love in six months time quickly bear fruit, two in October that year held a wedding.

New new look. September 1995, Pan Shiyi encouraged his wife to leave Wantong, together founded the Redstone Industries.

In one year the eyes of the venture partners, the couple left a deep impression: "at the beginning of Zhang Xin, have yet to resign her office units, 30 are still several layers of the ITC building work. Sometimes I go to Pan Shiyi and Zhang Xin, often three people at Linchuang's office, Pan Shiyi excitedly, pointing to the distance Jianwai SOHO New Town and the two said that this is our site ah! We have heard blood boiling , A major cause of dry strong impulse. "

Marriage for a period of time, the two start-up life is not so understanding, but full of differences and disputes, but was very intense, but after several years of adjustments, and that the "Fu Qidang" tacit understanding and cooperation in the increasingly well acquainted, Zhang Xin with the name later changed to the Pan Zhang Xin. They gradually formed a "Zaofang Zi Zhang Xin, Pan Shiyi Mai Fangzai" model of cooperation, all companies with foreign relations, matters outside the commercial decisions, such as project management, and other architectural design done by Zhang Xin; negotiations, marketing, government relations And all matters relating to money and are responsible for Pan Shiyi. Pan Shiyi has played a very vivid metaphor: "Like the previous Shuahoumaiyi, I was out Qiaoluo the first, and then out Shuahou Zhang Xin, with the final out of the hat is my money."

Relations 5: Zhenbiancaoge -

Typical representative: De-Hui Wang Kung Yu-sum and

"Fu Qidang" enterprises, because if a major accident caused by one side can not continue to manage the enterprise, then the other side is undoubtedly the best "Tibuduiyuan."

Gong looks like a weak heart, supporting his early years with her husband De-Hui Wang venture. When the company's development Rurizhongtian the time, De-Hui Wang respectively in 1983 and 1990 suffered twice kidnapped. In a pre-paid 11 million U.S. dollars after the release, and the second in the 60 million U.S. dollars to pay the ransom, De-Hui Wang has disappeared, from Yaowuyinxin.

Kung Yu-sum has not been this unexpected blow to the fight in her continued efforts, the Chinachem Group has developed into Asia's premier investment firms, in July 1997, the United States, "Forbes" magazine released by the world super-rich top Kung Yu-sum to 7 billion U.S. dollars of personal assets of Chinese women in the world's richest man.

Of course, "Fu Qidang" is not the whole enterprise is Juanqimei harmony story, but also because of Strange Bedfellows to Fanmuchengchou, finally led to the tragedy. Li Shuang was a芭蕾舞演员, and later married a real estate company executives. Buganjimo of Li Shuang, after a period of ease and comfort in the "full-time wife", has begun to enter her husband's companies engaged in sales, and deputy general manager of the company. Li Shuang did not let her husband disappointed in less than two years time will make himself has become famous in the industry was "Beauty Caopan hand" and "real estate beauty," a reputation. However, the success of the cause of marriage and not to increase lubricant, on the contrary, young, beautiful, plus the various advantages of strong woman, and her much older than their husbands between the accumulation of a lot of irreconcilable contradictions. Finally Zhenbiancaoge lead to a tragedy - Li Shuang positions occupied by her husband charged, thus caught in a prison deep in jail.

In the life of Jiang Qing, the pursuit of the Qinmiwujian and in the cause of reasonable, to fight for their rights and a clear division of clarity, the "Fu Qidang" enterprises is essential principles.


"People's Daily" on the economy: the situation correctly grasp the focus of control

Entered 2008, the international and domestic situation has many new and complicated factors, both economic and social development of China brings new opportunities and to China's economic operation are facing new challenges. We are in maintaining stable and rapid economic development of the crucial moment, we need to correctly estimate China's economic and social development of the favorable conditions and positive factors, fully aware of the problems facing the current challenges and, in an effort to the 16th National Party Congress has been continuously strengthen and improve macro - The achievements of control on the basis of macroeconomic continue to maintain steady and rapid development.

Economic and social development achieved better-than-expected results

Since the 16th CPC Congress, China's economic strength to a a new level. 2007, the gross domestic product over 24 trillion yuan, up 67 percent growth in 2002, the average annual growth of 10.8 percent, from sixth in the world rose to fourth place, the country's financial revenues reached 5.13 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.71 times; Total import and export volume reached 2.17 trillion U.S. dollars, up from sixth in the world to third. China's economic power and comprehensive national strength significantly enhanced, comprehensive development of social undertakings, people get more benefits, reform and opening up and of building a well-made significant progress, the international status and influence continues to increase.

In 2003-2007 the economic and social development, we actively deal with the complex and volatile international environment, focus on resolving macroeconomic prominent contradictions in the operation, the timely development of sound macroeconomic policies, scientific grasp the direction of macro-control, pace and intensity of And the integrated use of a variety of macro-control means and methods, pay attention to macro-control of the predictability, timeliness and effectiveness, and promote the steady and rapid economic development and avoid the big ups and downs.

Enter 2008, our country has experienced a rare history of the South disasters and low-temperature freezing rain and snow Sichuan Wenchuan Te earthquake disaster. Of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council's strong leadership and under the command of the people across the country with major natural disasters to the tenacious struggle, a major victory has greatly inspired the national spirit. At the same time, to promote the steady and rapid economic development, control prices rise too fast as the primary task of macroeconomic regulation and control, attaches great importance to agriculture, especially grain production, comprehensive use of various monetary policy tools to control money supply and excessive growth of bank credit, introduced a Series of policies and measures to accelerate structural adjustment, energy saving and emission reduction of independent innovation, and maintained steady and rapid growth continued macroeconomic situation. A quarter of gross domestic product growth of 10.6 percent over the same period last year; further improve the structure of demand, investment, consumption, export growth in demands for more balanced domestic demand, particularly consumer demand in Mong; accelerate the pace of optimizing and upgrading the industrial structure, economic Improve the quality of development, the continued rapid growth of fiscal revenue, energy-saving new progress in reducing emissions; continue to expand the scale of employment, income of urban and rural residents maintain a relatively rapid increase in the people's livelihood further improved. These results better than expected, the hard-earned, is deeply implement the scientific concept of development results, is to strengthen and improve macro-control results.

Comparing the current economic operation faced severe challenges

The party's 17 major scientific summing-up of a new century and new stage for China's development presented a new series of short-term characteristics. These stages in the economic characteristics of the main performance are: economic strength significantly enhanced, the formed at the same time long-term structural problems and extensive mode of growth have yet to be fundamentally change the socialist market economic system has been initially established, affecting the development of institutional mechanisms obstacles still exist ; People living on the whole a comfortable level and the widening gap between the income distribution trend is not reversed; coordinated development achieved positive results, while weak foundation of agriculture, rural development lags behind the situation has not changed, and so on. Because of these characteristics as well as the existence of the current international and domestic situation of the new situation changes, China's macro-economy in the major contradictions and problems highlighted in the following areas:

Inflationary pressures intensify. This year, the monthly consumer price index has hovered around 8 percent in the year is expected to be higher than last year. The pressure of inflation increased noticeably, the deep-seated reason is that China's economic development over the years in the way the existing problems, mainly economic growth to over-rely on the rapid growth of investment and promote exports; direct result of cost-push inflation and external factors Expansion of import. In recent years, most of the period of China's raw materials rise in upstream product prices significantly higher than the consumer price increase, the accumulated rise in the cost of raw material pressure to ease the problem of excess liquidity, the recent monetary policy direction is to control the money supply, the People's Bank of China has on several occasions Raise lending rates, the cost of capital upward trend; conserve energy resources and the protection of arable land and ecological environment in the implementation of policies, resources, environment, land and other elements of rising costs. In addition, a variety of factors make the domestic labor costs are rising faster. In the international market, as oil, grain and other important commodity prices rose rapidly, not only a vast number of developing countries have inflation, Europe and the United States and other developed countries has become increasingly evident as the inflation problems. Impact of imported inflation as the factors can not be ignored.

Financial security is facing new challenges. In recent years, China's foreign trade surplus remained at a high level, a rapid increase in foreign exchange reserves, the excess liquidity situation can hardly be effectively alleviated. First half of this year, despite slower growth in trade surplus, but a lot of foreign exchange funds and accelerate the inflow of hot money in it. Appreciation of the RMB interest rate differentials and the United States is expected inflow of hot money rapidly expanding the scale of the direct cause. Released by the rapid growth of foreign exchange reserves to run Renminbi base money, exacerbated by the excess liquidity situation. And persistent excess liquidity, and increased the pressure on inflation and monetary policy more difficult. The cross-border supervision of capital inflow and outflow and the increasing difficulty of the capital market and real estate market fluctuations, require our full attention to raising the level of financial risk issues.

Meidianyouyun the security of supply difficult to work. As domestic demand growth too fast and related products pricing mechanism has not been completely straighten out, as well as numerous serious the impact of natural disasters, coupled with a number of important international market prices of primary products continues to rise, this year China has become more of the coal oil Win the strained relationship between supply and demand situation. Some important products and the tense situation in parts of the more serious the short term, difficult to alleviate. This keep the economy stable operation and curb price increases brought about adverse effects.

Affected sustained agricultural output and farmers continued to increase in number of unfavorable factors. As the promotion of agricultural production has taken a strong policy measures, in 2004 China's agricultural growth rate reached 6.3 percent, reversing a century since the late 1990s, since grain output decline, slow growth in the agricultural situation and then made four consecutive years of grain production results . In recent years, agricultural growth rate continued to slow, especially this year due to serious natural disasters and the impact of agricultural production materials prices rose faster, and maintain sustained agricultural output and farmers continued to increase the difficulty of further intensify.

Maintain steady and rapid economic development of favourable conditions

At present, although the economy rather grim faced the challenge, but there are also continue to maintain steady and rapid economic development of many favorable conditions.

30 years of reform and opening up China's economic construction has achieved great achievements, laid the withstand natural disasters and external shocks of solid material foundation. This administration may force the organization and coordination of various resources, and promote stable and rapid economic development.

Since the end of 2003 the implementation of the macro-control achieved significant results. On the one hand, economic growth too much on investment and exports promote excessive growth of the situation is gradually improving, the main indicators of the national economy has been gradually running to a reasonable interval to prevent economic growth from overheating Piankuai to the other hand, the first half of 2008 Macroeconomic fundamentals remain steady and rapid development, major earthquake disaster and the international economic environment does not change the unfavorable factors for China's economic fundamentals are steady and rapid development, GDP growth rate over a year, although the slower, but still significantly Since reform and opening up higher than the average, the income of urban and rural residents continued to improve, the country's financial revenues to continue rapid growth. This shows that the overall operating efficiency of the national economy is good, the ability to use fiscal policy to promote economic development and people's livelihood further to tilt the field.

For the past four years on the basis of food production, also won this year's summer grain harvest. "The hands of a grain, and do not mind coming." Grain output to curb inflation, to resist the current world grain prices rose crisis, social stability has provided an important guarantee.

China now holds sufficient foreign exchange reserves. China's foreign exchange reserves not only in Northeast Asia than in other countries and regions more than the sum of foreign exchange reserves have also exceeded the world's seven major industrial countries (the United States, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Canada, Italy), the sum so that we have a Strong to withstand external economic and financial risk.

Reform and opening up 30 years ago, in the macro-control, we have experienced the many different characteristics of temper, has accumulated rich experience. This gives us the confidence and ability in the scientific concept of development under the guidance of difficulties to overcome the challenges, and inflation control in the affordable range, while maintaining steady and rapid economic development.

Macro-control the direction and focus

Second half of the year, work should continue in accordance with the macro-economic control total, and stabilize prices, for the structure, and promote balance requirements, in general, continue to prevent economic growth from overheating Piankuai to prevent prices from rising structural evolution of inflation is obvious, Implementation of sound fiscal policy and tight monetary policy. Meanwhile, according to the changing economic environment at home and abroad, persist in using the development and reform to solve the problems in advance, a good grasp of the tight monetary policy and the implementation of the intensity of rhythm, and increase the prudent fiscal policy for restructuring, protection of people's livelihood, earthquakes Post-disaster restoration and reconstruction support, effectively avoid big ups and downs in the economy, maintain steady and rapid economic development. At present, in particular, to prevent excessive economic growth rate slowed down and the price level remained high situation. As long as scientific grasp the focus of macroeconomic regulation and control, tempo, dynamics, adhere to scientific development, international and domestic will be able to overcome various unfavorable factors causing difficulties.

Under the current situation of the characteristics of the current macro-economic work should be the key elements: control inflation, to price, financial stability, grasping agriculture. First, the "controlling inflation" as the focus of macroeconomic regulation and control. In the current level of the consumer price index is still higher circumstances, should do everything possible to curb the general level of prices rising too fast, and make efforts to control the price or can bear within the scope of protection of life and stability. The second is to "to price" as to strengthen and improve macroeconomic regulation and control of the important elements. Not long ago, the oil and electricity price adjustment is necessary, is successful. Should continue in steps and stages elements of resources and promote price reform, and further rationalize the price system, increase effective supply, curb irrational demand, promote technological progress, reducing emissions and increase energy conservation. The third is the "financial stability" as the prevention of financial risks the basic requirements. Faced with international and domestic financial environment for the complex situation, the need to further strengthen the prevention of financial risks, be prepared. Should be the correct analysis of the domestic financial sector problems, a high degree of vigilance of short-term capital flows and changes in the international exchange rate movements, fully aware of the financial crisis of unexpected features, to further strengthen financial supervision, and promote the healthy development of domestic capital markets, the real estate market to maintain stability and ensure National financial security. Fourth, the "grasping agriculture" as the basis of the overall situation of work. Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. To achieve stability in agricultural production and protect the effective supply of agricultural and sideline products, regardless of when the price increases are inhibited and maintain the overall situation of economic and social stability. Agriculture should continue to earnestly implement the various policies and agricultural benefits, increase input in agriculture, to achieve higher levels of sustained agricultural production and farmers continued to increase.


Tao Zhugong business tips

Tao Zhugong life of legendary, to be known as the San people

Qin business to bear - must not lazy, lazy Pepsi costs

Dressing to the goods - must not Sanmansanman enumeration is difficult

Yongdu to frugality - avoid extravagance and luxury, money dried up

Founder to employment - must not abuse the abuse of entrusted difficult

To accept the humble - must not impatient hot storms are fewer transactions

Access to care - must not scribble, scribble more wrong

To the sale of alertness - must not delay the delay to the missing plane

Cargo inspection to face - to guard against overcharging by overcharging to the price

Bargaining power to set out - avoid vague, ambiguous and more disputes

Futures have to agree - the extension must not falsely claiming extension of the ramifications of Health

Deadline to agree - it must not perfunctory perfunctory stolen credit

She should know by people - to guard against excessive deficit over to the Xueben

Money to Shen Ming - must not stupid stupid to buy the disadvantages of Health

Accounts to inspection - must not slacken our efforts slacken our efforts, capital Lag

A responsible thing to be - must not give up giving up the power loss

Advantages and disadvantages to clear - must not pistachio paste, pistachio paste judgement Fan

Speak to the rules - avoid the crash and more impetuous impetuous

Legislation to-heart is - must not rough rough products are inferior

To quiet the main heart - must not forget the panic panic decision

To be honest with - while others guard against false false end -


Guizhou riots continued: 3rd autopsy finds that girls drowned to death

One argument: Weng'an County of Guizhou Province Public Security Bureau inside one of the relatives of the three counties in a 15-year-old gang-raped a girl. Public Security Bureau to grasp the person put into the day. But fear of divisions to above, the Public Security Bureau sent Qutou bodies. Her uncle is the victim of a secondary school teacher, because he himself is prosecuted by the Public Security Bureau beaten to serious injuries, his father also was Tiaoduanjiaojin. Now there's a confusion in the county, the county government comprehensive blockade, outside the press Jinbu Qu.

Weng'an ----- ------ chaotic social order! Chaos! Chaos! Chaos!

The official Xinhua News Agency report called "Daza burning incident", "incitement to some people the truth of the unknown impact of the county Public Security Bureau, the county government and county party building" and "a small number of lawless elements take the opportunity Daza office and set ablaze a number of offices and Some vehicles, "secretary of the Politics and Law Committee of Guizhou Province, the Public Security Department, Cui Yadong took command of handling the incident, the crowd dispersed at 2:00, the situation did not further expand the market returned to normal order.

By the impact of the County Public Security Bureau at the scene picture


Financing of the central finance has been earthquake relief funds 95 billion yuan

The central and state organs 2.545 billion yuan this year, saving public funds for earthquake relief

Beijing, June 23 (Xinhua JIANG Jie) Vice Finance Minister Liao Xiaojun this afternoon at the State Council Information Office news conference, the central and state organs will save 2.545 billion yuan this year, public funds for earthquake relief.

This year the State Council executive meeting on the ninth for the central and state organs are compressed public funds this year, five percent, this requirement has been the central and state organs of a positive response. It is estimated that 5 percent of the common compression, you can save money 1.545 billion yuan. In addition, this year's Budget which has been used to enhance the arrangements for the central and state organs, including the reference to the civil service management standards in some units of public funds of funds, there are 1 billion. 10 billion in spending policy, the Central this year is no longer published, saving 1 billion. The two together a total of 2.545 billion yuan savings, savings for all the earthquake relief funds.

Liao Xiaojun, the Ministry of Finance has given the central state organs and departments issued a circular calling on all departments to reduce the number of meetings or shorten the duration and simplify the reception, reduce travel, reduce public service vehicles, including energy-saving water saving measures such as complete The goal of saving money.

Liao Xiaojun, taking into account the emergency rescue and disaster restoration and reconstruction needs of both the central government's first emergency relief funds for the 25 billion yuan, effectively protect the basic needs of the capital. Second, this year also arranged for the restoration and reconstruction funds 70 billion yuan, and in accordance with the requirements of the State Council, for the establishment of the earthquake reconstruction funds, separate accounts of the fund, separate accounts and separate approval. According to the 2002 economic development will continue to make arrangements.

As at 12:00 on June 23, all levels of financial earthquake relief funds invested a total of 54.313 billion yuan, including 49.601 billion yuan in the central finance, local financial investment to 4.712 billion yuan. As of June 23, the central finance allocated relief funds accumulated nearly 60 batches to ensure the relief funds in the shortest possible time allocated in place for disaster and the people.


Rainstorm attack south of 1.27 million people transfer


Rainstorm attack south of 1.27 million people transfer
Huizhou City-City 3, a town official Kiu Tsuen inundated pig farms, 100 pig long been washed away, she was rescued by a struggling piglets.


South China flood situation grim abnormal
South floods have caused 55 deaths in September, four heavy rainfall will attack, abnormal flood situation grim.

Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other southern nine provinces (autonomous regions) of heavy rain floods. As at 21:00 on June 14 to statistics, a total of 17.874 million people affected, Yinzai killed 55 people, seven were missing, emergency transfer of resettlement 1274000; direct economic loss of 10.61 billion yuan. Ministry of Civil Affairs in at 20:00 on June 14 were in Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Hunan provinces and three countries launched an emergency disaster relief emergency response and sent a work team rushed to the disaster areas. Ruxunyilai this year, the South China region has suffered three major series of heavy rainfall weather attacks, 14, the Central Meteorological Observatory announced that from the 15th onwards, the South China region from west to east by a new round of heavy rainfall weather attacks, Sichuan Eastern, Chongqing, Guizhou and JAC, Gangnam, southern China, and other places will have heavy rain in to. As most of the South have been saturated soil moisture, the water in the river rose rapidly, even more severe situation in flood prevention.

17 Guangdong cities affected 18 people were killed

As the afternoon on the 14th, continuing torrential rains and floods have caused 17 Guangdong to level cities, 60 counties (cities, districts) affected to varying degrees, affected population 2.22 million people, killed 18 people. In parts of traffic disruption. Guangdong is the most affected in Shaoguan, Yangjiang and Maoming City, the three cities.

Guangdong Province Fangzong emergency mobilization of the masses 10 assault boat transfer. Shaoguan emergency transfer of 200,000 to the masses at 17:00 on the 13th, the year before had experienced a catastrophic flood attacks in Shaoguan Lechang City-the highest water level of rivers 90.72 meters, 87.2 meters than the warning water level exceeds 3.5 meters, the flood control situation is very grim.

In the afternoon, this reporter arrived at the Lechang City is still heavy rain, some low-lying areas along the river began flooding in, most adults over knee deep, and many shops inside the Baptist water, Zheng Tiaojie Road has become a " River. " The shops along the river, residential areas are busy in the transfer of property without chaos. Around 4:00 p.m., part of Lechang City dike embankment began to diffuse phenomenon, some streets in the groundwater along the river channel also began to appear piping. Lechang the emergency transfer of 100,000 people.

On the 14th morning in Shaoguan City of Guangdong rainfall decreased significantly, the water level of the flood peak was formed Wujiang water level began to decrease. Affected by floods, Shaoguan low-lying areas were inundated by the floods. And at 12:00 on the 14th, Shaoguan City have an emergency transfer of 200,000 people, Yinzai killed two people, one person missing.
Shenzhen one in 50 heavy rain

On the 12th night from the beginning, Shenzhen City, persistent heavy rain to rainstorm, a full day and night, the rainstorm Qingcheng! These, the most rainfall Bao'an District, within 24 hours of rainfall over 400 mm. According to the Shenzhen City's Air-defense Office was informed that this rainfall is one in Shenzhen's 50 major heavy rainfall, the number of streets, homes and factories were flooded, and trigger a number of landslides, in Shenzhen has caused six people were killed and 1 Missing.

13, Shenzhen City launched a Category III contingency plans for flood control, Shenzhen, opening up all over 200 hedge Center. Shenzhen City schools, from kindergarten all started at noon on the 13th will be closed. On the 13th of the heavy rain caused the Shenzhen Airport 130 flights were delayed, the airport road Liu Qishi cm of water. Baoan District Songgang rainstorm caused by electrocution death of two couples. Dongguan 32 Zhenjie were Baptist on the 13th evening 6:00, Dongguan City Bureau of Meteorology issued the first red rainstorm warning signal. The city's emergency primary and secondary schools and kindergartens will be closed.

As the afternoon, Dongguan City, 32 Zhenjie there are different degrees of flooding, some low-lying areas Dongwan a larger degree of waterlogging, the water park was more than 1.5 meters. Comprehensive Xinhua, China news agency, the Guangzhou Daily (Source: Chongqing Morning News)

At the national level to protect animals white dolphins diedPearl River (1)

Picture: Chinese White Dolphin "panda in water," said
Fishermen will salvage the death of the white dolphins come ashore
Yesterday, the waters of Jiujiang white dolphins Pingzong

Jiujiang the South China Sea waters of the Chinese white dolphin, is 7:00 yesterday morning by local residents in a Tam-Tam is the place found, and found that it is a sight of the old lady, "I was吓了一大跳, how will such a large Fish ah »Bai Huahua, is still moving!" People Unfortunately, this is of the female white dolphins final struggle, a few minutes after this white dolphins on the one at every turn. "The old lady immediately跑来tells us that we see is the original white dolphins." Fishermen gifted uncle told reporters that they know that this is the protection of animals at the national level, the first time called the police, with the assistance of local police, Chinese White Dolphins informed the National Resource Conservation Area Authority staff members.

You uncle in the protected areas connected to telephone, and partners to use these vessels white wizard's body transported to a nearby port, "a good time under the big rain, in fact, we are very sad and white dolphins are auspicious animals . "

The day before yesterday, clever waters white dolphins Pingzong

15:00 yesterday, the protection of a pedestrian rushed to the area of Jiujiang, which is the second time within two days, they rushed clever waters, "on the 13th we have received the Baoliao, rushed clever waters, found a grey young white dolphins Body, only a few Shijin weight, then we will have an ominous sense of foreboding, because small dolphin is not a separate action. "Infinitely sad-million-hwan said.

1 days later, they found that in Jiujiang of white dolphins, "about 300 Duojin weight, pure white, preliminary tests, although there are external wounds, but is not fatal, but there are skin lesions, should be Not suitable for the river environment, which is a female white dolphins, are probably wise那条White Dolphin's mother.
10, Cheng He Taishan Taiwan yesterday, the Taiwan-Jeju City River white dolphins Pingzong

June 10 was in the vicinity of Taiwan Taishan Huaan Market Chenghe the Chinese white dolphins, also yesterday in the city of Taishan City, Taiwan Tongji River there. From the field and the relevant departments rushed to the ocean again dispatched experts to guide the white dolphins return to the sea. Marine experts said the white dolphins in the freshwater environment can only survive about 10 days, if the dolphins will not be able to successfully guide the sea, the white dolphins face of danger.

At 13:00 on the 10th about a systemic pink "big fish" in the vicinity of Taiwan Huaan Hui Cheng He Hemian cruise downstream, the three clubs from the vicinity of the masses of the Huaan Market onlookers. The masses have identified the protection of animals at the national level for the Chinese white dolphins, then alarm. Taishan City Marine Fisheries Service, fishery Battalion, and other relevant departments immediately sent to the scene investigation and confirmed that the big fish do for their prime white dolphins, about 1.5 meters in length and weighing about 100 kg. At about 5 am on the 11th, disappeared a few hours of the white dolphins suddenly appeared in Huaan fair two kilometers away from the Park Hill crossing the waters, but in 12:00, continuing a 30-minute rain, the white dolphins again missing . Around 16:00, reflux and white dolphins, came to the north of the city of Taishan City sewage treatment plant near the river and was missing around 20:00. At 14:00 on the 14th about the white dolphins again in Taiwan, the new Nanjing Bridge in the city.

Meanwhile, relevant departments of the staff and expertise came from foreign experts in the field white dolphins were observed and repeatedly tried to guide the white dolphins to sea, but all failed. According to marine fisheries Taishan City Council's Environmental Resources Section Tan Guchang, as soon as possible in order to control the movement of white dolphins, relevant departments have also launched inland river fishermen to help find and hire the specialized fishing boats in Taiwan, a city near the river to search.

Dolphins may collectively lost

Just a few days, the Pearl River waters have found the bodies of two Chinese White Dolphins and the sight of a Chinese white dolphin, "This is a very rare situation, most likely a group of white dolphins in the Pearl River estuary feeding, Mistakenly intruded into the Pearl River waters. "Million-hwan-analysis:" Our preliminary examination of the Jiujiang the bodies of female white dolphins, found that it's "GPS", that is, using the sonar navigation system there is a problem, it is extremely likely that it died The main reason why, because it does not travel back to the sea. "

"In fact, in the Pearl River waters white dolphins, is nothing new things, many years ago, the fishermen often here in the Pearl River waters to the white dolphins. But in recent years the Pearl River waters of large ships sailing back and forth, coupled with water quality problems, the white dolphins If误入the Pearl River waters will be very dangerous, if the navigation system problems, the chances of survival even smaller. "

"Now, we need this body of the female white dolphins back to the protection center, and before the White Dolphin, with Sun Yat-sen University's autopsy experts, in order to identify the reasons for the loss of collective dolphins." Million-hwan Said, "the white dolphins are a protected species at the national level, is' the water giant pandas', it is too precious, and we do not want to see this kind of tragedy."
Taishan to do everything possible to save the white dolphins

Dajin Island white dolphins scientific expedition station the new fiscal Wang, in charge of the rescue Taishan white dolphins, "guide the white dolphins is very difficult, especially regional activities is not a fixed white dolphins." Wang Choi said that the river channel more complicated, tributaries More white dolphins in depth once the river, the successful rescue would be very low probability. At present, the rescue误入river of white dolphins in general use two ways, first used the artificial guide, first caught reintroduction sea. But this time of the white dolphins, are hidden, it is difficult to accurately grasp the position, man-made guidance very difficult. The catch is even more unworkable, and no specialized tools and loading the capture tool, will only accelerate the capture of the white dolphins died.

At present, the major work of Taishan in addition to guidance, but also strengthen the dialogue dolphins in the waters of surveillance to prevent the white dolphins once again missing the past, vessels and cause harm to them.


2008 Forbes "Taiwan's 40 rich list" published

2008福布斯《台湾40富豪榜》出炉 财富人物 财富人生 财富
Graphic: CAI Hong Figure 1 (Tsai Hong-tu) family
Net wealth: 8.5 billion U.S. dollars
Industry: finance; Age: 55-year-old
Marital status: Married, three children
CAI Hong map and his family's wealth by inheritance from his father's plans CAI Hong Tsai Wan-lin (Tsai Wan-lin) (2004 died) legacy. Cathay Pacific Holdings is the main financial holding companies (Cathay Financial Holdings) (CAI Hong map of the company's chairman). Cathay Financial Holding's subsidiaries, including Cathay Life Insurance (Cathay Life Insurance) and Cathay Pacific Construction (Cathay Real Estate). This year, due to Taiwan's real estate market recovery, the building of Cathay Pacific's shares have gained.
2008福布斯《台湾40富豪榜》出炉 财富人物 财富人生 财富
Graphic: Wang Yung-ching (Y. C. Wang)
Net wealth: 6.8 billion U.S. dollars
Industry: Petrochemical; Age: 91-year-old
Marital status: Married, nine children
Only received primary education tea farmers to the son of Formosa Plastics (Formosa Plastics) built Asia's largest manufacturers of petrochemical products. Taiwan's major petrol supplier. Business more than 50 years later, in 2006 from the position of chairman of retirement.
2008福布斯《台湾40富豪榜》出炉 财富人物 财富人生 财富
Graphic: 3 Kuo-ming, Taiwan (Terry Gou)
Net wealth: 6 billion U.S. dollars
Industry: electronic age: 57-year-old
Marital status: widowed, two children
1974 by Hon Hai Precision Industry (Hon Hai Precision Industry) started in 7500 U.S. dollars. Is now the world's largest contract manufacturers, it was reported responsible for the assembly Apple (Apple) iPod and iPhone, Nokia (Nokia) mobile phones and Nintendo (Nintendo) Wii systems. Wealth, including a trust for employees on incentives and R & D shares. Since last November, Hon Hai's shares shrink 25 percent, part of the reason is that labor costs rose and consumer spending worries. Vietnam is expanding production through. The woman took the Hong Kong-listed Foxconn International Holdings (Foxconn International Holdings) board of directors.
2008福布斯《台湾40富豪榜》出炉 财富人物 财富人生 财富
Graphic: 4 million before Choi (Tsai Wan-Tsai)
Net wealth: 5.1 billion U.S. dollars
Industry: finance; Age: 78 years
Marital status: Married, four children
Fubon Group (Fubon Group), a founder and retired chairman. In his two sons - CEO Caiming Zhong (Daniel Tsai) and Vice Chairman Cai Ming Xing (Richard Tsai), under the leadership of the enterprises to enter the field of telecommunications and media and has been the revitalization. April the Taiwan government's approval of its Fubon Bank (Fubon Bank) acquisition of Xiamen commercial banks 19.9 percent stake. This is the first time Taiwan's government approved Bank of Taiwan to the mainland banks to invest. Nephew CAI Hong plan is the first top tycoons.
2008福布斯《台湾40富豪榜》出炉 财富人物 财富人生 财富
Graphic: 5 WANG Xue-hong (Cher Wang) and Chen Wenqi (Wen Chi Chen)
Net wealth: 3.5 billion U.S. dollars
Industry: electronic age: 50-year-old / 53
Marital status: Married, two children
Wang Yung-ching (the No. 2 ranking Regal) the daughter of a production control the use of Microsoft (Microsoft) software for mobile phones HTC (HTC). Last year in November and Google announced a joint venture production of new cell phone. Her husband operates semiconductor manufacturing enterprises VIA (VIA Technologies).
2008福布斯《台湾40富豪榜》出炉 财富人物 财富人生 财富
Graphic: 6. Jeffrey Koo (Jeffrey Koo Sr.)
Net wealth: 2.8 billion U.S. dollars
Industry: finance; Age: 74 years
Marital status: Married, four children
Jeffrey Koo is also the eldest son of his predecessor, the successor Guzhong understanding (Jeffrey Koo Jr) since 2006 on the run from the outside, when he abused Chinatrust Commercial Bank (Chinatrust) of funds to purchase the shares competitors were charged. Jeffrey Koo and his Chinese owned by the Trust Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (Chinatrust Financial Holding) side by side, and is expanding its consumer banking business, to serve in Greater China, Southeast Asia and North America Chinese. The company's stock has been since January have risen nearly 33 percent. Jeffrey Koo family also held recently in Singapore-listed by their other son Andre small commercial banks operating in the Financial One shares. His son, also a game company GigaMedia shares.
Net wealth: 2.7 billion U.S. dollars
Industry: real estate; Age: 69 years
Marital status: Married, four children
Rong-Hui Lin is the first three growing vegetables on rice sales Fajia wealth. He 20 when the teenager began to get involved in real estate development industry. He is Taiwan's largest daily Liberty Times (Liberty Times) and the issue of Taiwan's democratic reform and international relations advocate. At the same time, he also holds the Commonwealth Bank of Taiwan (Union Bank of Taiwan) shares. Furthermore, as a former member of Taiwan's legislature, he also served as the island had two successive leaders of the national policy adviser.
2008福布斯《台湾40富豪榜》出炉 财富人物 财富人生 财富
Graphic: 8. Wei should state (Wei Ing-Chou) and his family
Net wealth: 2.65 billion U.S. dollars
Industry: food; Age: 54-year-old
Marital status: Married, three children
Since the 1990s, consumer-oriented Chinese mainland since the launch Kangshifu instant noodles, she should state the noodles production company is developing rapidly. Now, he's the top benefit (Tingyi) is a leading provider of instant tea noodles and bottled water and retailers. The company's earnings per share in 2007 on growth of 31 percent. Wei, the family should be adopted last year to increase its purchase of shares in the company's shares.
2008福布斯《台湾40富豪榜》出炉 财富人物 财富人生 财富
Graphic: 8. Wei should state (Wei Ing-Chou) and his family
Net wealth: 2.65 billion U.S. dollars
Industry: food; Age: 54-year-old
Marital status: Married, three children
Since the 1990s, consumer-oriented Chinese mainland since the launch Kangshifu instant noodles, she should state the noodles production company is developing rapidly. Now, he's the top benefit (Tingyi) is a leading provider of instant tea noodles and bottled water and retailers. The company's earnings per share in 2007 on growth of 31 percent. Wei, the family should be adopted last year to increase its purchase of shares in the company's shares.2008福布斯《台湾40富豪榜》出炉 财富人物 财富人生 财富
Graphic: 10. Lin Yu Lin (Lin Yu-Lin)
Net wealth: 2.4 billion U.S. dollars
Industry: real estate; Age: 72 years
Marital status: Married, seven children
Lin Yu Lin is the real estate development company Fergus Group (Hung Tai Group) chairman. Benefit from the re-warmed up the real estate market, the company is rapidly developing. His favorite building foreigners, including Fergus Centre (Hung Tai Center) and Exchange Square (Exchange Square), and in building Hongsheng Corp. (Hung Sheng Construction) and Qunyi Securities (Capital Securities) in the respective holders Shares. He is ranked seventh in three Rong-Hui Lin's brother.
See all the other tycoons in Taiwan
The real estate industry billions of dollars-rich - far-building (Farglory Land Development), chairman of Chao Teng-hsiung (Chao Teng-Hsiung) is the list of one. In the past two years, far-building shares rose nearly three times, making his net assets reached 1.8 billion U.S. dollars. Over the past year, construction shares soared 42 percent, while Taiwan's main index rose by 11 percent overall.
The number of mainland tourists to Taiwan is expected to increase to benefit another major beneficiary of the tourism business owner. As a whole, their stock in the last year rose 58 percent, from the end of last year to now, soaring by 80 percent. This increase also PAN Si-liang (Steven Pan) to 580 million U.S. dollars of net assets we selected list. PAN Si-liang of the Taipei House4 family is the hotel (Grand Formosa Regent) the majority shareholder. Taiwan's popular but has not yet publicly listed Fuk Wa Hotel (Howard Hotel) the owner of Paul Liao and his family net assets is estimated to reach about 1 billion U.S. dollars.