
Venture multiplied the 17 golden rules

1883, Napoleon Hill was born in a poor family, his parents from childhood education him to carry out every one thing, and encouraging children to the success of the method. In his 18-year-old university, for a magazine, an interview with the honour of the king of steel, interpersonal Jurists Carnegie, From then on, he should at the invitation of Carnegie, with a martyr for instructors in the United States successful people The research work. Hill visited the Ford, Roosevelt, Rockefeller, Edison, more than 500 successful, and they conducted in-depth study. 20, he received a doctorate degree, and completed the Bajuan of epoch-making significance of the "success of". Hill, after decades on, summed up a very valuable 17 gold law, the law covers all the success of the human subjective factors, so that success with this seemingly mysterious knowledge into concrete and workable The rule. Large vessels Hengluo Bo Te Dala said: "If 50 years ago I learned that 17 gold law, may only need half of the time will be able to obtain the current achievements." 1, maintain a positive attitude among people only a very small difference, but this is often a very small difference between a huge difference, the difference is very small has the mentality is positive or negative, huge differences Is the success and failure. In other words, the mentality is the fate of the control tower, the mentality of our decision to the success or failure in life. The external environment for our survival, might not be able to choose, but another environment, that is, psychological, emotional, the spirit of the internal environment, it can by its own transformation. Are not necessarily successful entrepreneurs, leaders. Success is that every aspect of the success, marked by the mentality of the people, that is positive and optimistic in the face of life's challenges. If a person in his life do not have a positive attitude may be bogged down in quagmire, not consciously, we can not wake up, unable to extricate themselves, when you found in difficulties, the opportunity has been lost. This fiasco will not be limited to the cause of failure, including human life in the way of failure, psychological and emotional failures, the failure of family love and marriage, the feelings of failure. In short, a life experience unsatisfactory, not happy, your life can be regarded as a failure, the failure of most of us born with weak stems from the negative mentality. If we can adjust mentality, way of doing things change, or reverse the fiasco can be avoided, or even become the cause of promoting the success of a great man and grasp the happy life of a wise man. Have succeeded in not referring to what (power, wealth), but what has been done. If bit by bit every day in the efforts to achieve their goals, we can help and influence others. Success is a little bit of progress every day. Including the positive attitude of sincerity, loyalty, integrity, optimism, courage, work, creativity, resourcefulness, cordial, friendly, positive,向善, progressive, enterprising, effort, happy, self-confidence, Zimian and a sense of security, and so on. 2, with a clear target goal, only to find inner strength direction, indiscriminate or Piaodang after all the efforts will be lost, and your heart's Nazuo priceless gold, but also because of exploitation and not with the Is no different from ordinary dust. Your past and the present situation is not important, what you want to have future success is the most important. Goals will be successful, if you did not ideal for the future, what major to Zuobu Chu. Set after set a goal of long-term plans, but also an urgent requirement with the aspirations of progress. Success is the need to fully operational, fully operational only to you in the profession to be a successful one day only全身心and love of your life will be a successful day.
3, walk the road to be a more active people. We must have the courage practice, your success is because the walk a little way to find the others did not find that the other things. Seize the opportunity to grasp the opportunity and be a proactive, timely action and develop a good habit. 4, the correct way of thinking success is the correct way of thinking and beliefs and actions. To become a way of thinking the right people, you must have a firm and indomitable character, tap potential, "I", "I was excellent," "should further improve the" psychological hint. 5, a high degree of self-akrasia is one of the most difficult virtue, akrasia to seize the chance of success. The greatest enemy of success is their own lack of emotional control, many Shaozongjishi will have wasted the opportunity to swap. If not contain anger, anger, so that partners around the prohibitive; depression, the indulgence of their slump. 6, leadership development achievements of leading figures in a measure of the size depends on the depth of his convictions, the height of ambition, the breadth of vision and his subordinates on the level of care. A person's leadership ability can only rely on the support of colleagues and subordinates and co-operation can be successful. Leaders should practice the art of praise for people to justice, in line with management to human nature. Each one thing to excel in every thing should be on how to improve every thing should be set higher standards. Serious work and constantly improve the talent to be a strong leadership. 7, the establishment of self-confidence can make a person, do one thing, first of all, to see whether he has a good mentality and whether they can be serious and continuing to do so. Confidence, attitude, and approach it more. Therefore, confidence多一分, many very successful; inputs to harvest, in order to pay outstanding. Never be fooled by the shortcomings. Of course, the success of only a few outstanding people, the failure of the people have a lot of mediocrity. The success and setbacks in times of crisis, is still strong, optimistic and full of confidence, and the losers are often retreat, or even be willing to retreat. We should learn self-confidence, success depends on the extent of the degree conviction.
8, the charming personality of a better life lies in favour of a beautiful, beautiful human relationships, human nature is beautiful, the United States and humanity, is a lovely, can be attractive personality. To others living and working express our deep concern with the people contacts common ground while reserving differences and avoid conflicts; learn to listen to the views of others; Institute praised others; smiling charm not mean their sympathy to learn how to admit and learn tolerance, generous. 9, winning creativity, innovation is the most precious wealth. If you have this ability, we can grasp the cause of the best timing, so as to create a great miracle. Innovative thinking than conventional thinking more clearly the advantages of characteristics: A, and original. B, mobile and flexible. C, a sense of risks. Innovative thinking no matter what kind of results achieved, is of important significance of epistemology and methodology, because even if he's unsuccessful outcome, people will be provided to make detours after a few lessons. While conventional thinking looks "secure", but it's fundamental flaw is not new for people to provide inspiration. Innovation to win, conservative suicide. 10 full on the enthusiasm you have faith young, the elderly despair on. Lost their enthusiasm, the soul of the injury. Enthusiasm is one of the most important force, there is no history of a great cause, not because of enthusiasm and successful. The enthusiasm of a noble faith, if the enthusiasm out of greed and selfishness, success will be short-lived. Only the attitude of enthusiasm, success is an important factor in their marketing. Enthusiasm of the mentality is to do anything all the necessary conditions. Enthusiasm is a positive awareness and status, can encourage and inspire others to take action, but also with infection and encouraged by the strength of others. 11, did not focus minds, we can not cope with the challenges of life. What requires focus and concentrate on the motives, intentions everything will eventually succeed. 12, with a spirit of cooperation cooperation is the key to the revitalization of enterprises. And the prestige of entrepreneurs is the key to cooperation. Cooperation, and prosperity of the enterprises; disputes, enterprises recession. Will force cooperation, and cooperation are the basis of leadership, cooperation, speed up the success. 13, a correct view of the failure is the failure of the normal, decadence is shameful and repeated failure is catastrophic. Failure for the mother of success, to draw lessons from setbacks. Is a series of successful struggle. Should have the courage to fail, repeated warfare, it is necessary to discard negative thinking, and do everything possible, not wait passively, in a lesson in a progressive improvement, "success is even after several big mistake after mistake by the" use willpower to overcome obstacles, to do His opponent, beat themselves.
14, and keep alive the entrepreneurial spirit of enterprise ownership, you can become outstanding figures. Initiative is a success factor, should learn not to reward the work of the spirit, a Renlaorenyuan professionalism, Qinxue well ask, Buchixiawen is universally applicable code of conduct. 15, reasonable arrangements for time and money Remember, a waste of time is wasted opportunity. Efficiency is life, should focus on the rate of return on those things, Do not spend time on the success of useless things. Every day a deal with things in the order and progress, and personally, regular inspections to prevent laziness and procrastination. Money is not the source of heinous, heinous is the source of money. Money can make you self-confidence and full of self-performance, to develop the habit of savings, economic independence can really free. In money exchanges, whether it is public relations, or personal, should abide by the principle of mutual benefit to the health of long-term development. Successful have the quality to make money. 16, physical and mental health of all the achievements of all the wealth at the physical and mental health. Biantaixinli overcome abnormal psychological and personality disorder and the withdrawn, irritability, stubborn, reckless, self-abased, anxiety, jealousy, as well as other types of in people's daily life can be seen everywhere in the Biantaixinli. These psychological has seriously affected the handling of interpersonal relationships, but also prevented the family, work and career. Society should be eased and the elimination of psychological pressure, pressure careers, all kinds of fashion, the trend of the temptation posed by the pressure, the pressure of life going, and so on. The pressures to adopt a positive approach to mitigation and avoid. A healthy body, because of sound mind and healthy body, is the basic guarantee for success. To adhere to physical activity, often to their charge, a positive attitude requires a good energy level. To be able to make your own health and longevity, the successful application of positive attitude, your body will be more healthy. 17, to develop good habits of good habits can train qualified personnel, bad habits can destroy people. Habits, the success of the people have tremendous influence. The reward is a good habit of success, and good habits are the key to open the door to success, there must be broad-minded mental habits, the courage to correct their shortcomings of the habit, leisurely habits, like exercise habits. Dr Napoleon Hill said the United States: the fate of the mentality of the control tower, the mentality of our decision to the success or failure in life. Positive feelings of people everywhere on the environment and others full of gratitude of, easy to feel good side of the environment. We control the mentality of their thinking, thus affecting their behavior. Sometimes a word to others in their own lives, play a decisive role, is the role played good or bad role in this decision and the things you deal with the judgement and the ability and mentality.

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