
Careers are tips - for their own, is the most profitable

What most profitable item »To answer this question, mentioned here two true story.
One story, from 500 yuan to 500 million fissile
Li is a rural youth and farmers at home after graduating from high school. As the poor family, he initiation of the idea of doing business. After a period of observation, he considered that to do this Qianshao tofu market, worth a try. So when the borrowed 500 yuan capital, starting with the bean curd business.
At first, he has done tofu taste, do not look good, three days only sell a more than 10 kilograms. But he did not give up, with an open mind to peer learning, Laoxiang listen to the views of the improved technology of tofu. In addition, the full burden of his business two feet, courteous service, not long, his tofu in the vicinity of the Pat Heung Shili start small celebrity, earned a year more than 20,000 yuan. Later, he added the equipment, and expand the scale, not only do tofu, but also do Doufu Pi, Doufu Gan, frozen tofu, smoked tofu, as many as a dozen varieties. Most of the county near the hotel, named to his tofu products over 20 country markets have his tofu stalls. In addition, he will also bean curd processing the remaining rubbish caused the sale of feed, this one on the annual income of only a few dozen million.
Now, he set up a soybean products company and chain operations, some stores have been opened to other cities, counties and even other provinces. In addition, he has also set up a soybean processing plant machinery, manufacturing all kinds of bean products processing machinery and equipment, is very popular.
Ten years have passed, his assets have reached over 500 million.
The story, from 1-100 yuan lesson
A college graduate, first in a public institution, later inherited his father's real estate company. At that time, the real estate more heat, just a few years, its assets amounted to more than 10 million.
Later, he adopted several intense competition, the higher the price to buy a piece of urban areas further away from the hillside, the development of country houses. He has invested all its funds, and nearly 10 million yuan of bank loans for a Daegan.
One year later, a villa built, modeling is also very beautiful, but they are Maibu Dong. Only sold five years, the entire villa grassland Qiqi, very desolate. Some of the reasons for his failure: on the one hand, the local economy is not developed, affordable villa not many people. On the other hand, the government officials do not have money Ganmai, Pare on bribery charges. Wealthy people want to buy, suspected far from the city.
Maibuchuqu house, of course, can not also loans. Bank一纸诉状将he was to the court, the Court will shut down his company, the villa has been settled auction. It is said that the company was closed down, stated that there is only more than 100 yuan. Now, he can only leave Xinjiang, to wage a real estate company.
These two examples to illustrate the truth, "there is no money-making industry, not only the business to make money."
So, how can we find a suitable for their own industries, and successfully make money? »
Below are some career tips, it is worth noting and reference:
First, do their own familiar with the industry
As the saying goes: direction proper way,隔行如隔山. Every industry has its own rules and laws. Not familiar with the industry on a hastily entered, like entering a dark house, North-South thing confusion, loss of direction.
A few years ago, health care products market is very hot. Tianjin, a real estate owner who thought health care products who do make the trade, he used a lot of funds for the purchase of patents, plant construction, purchase of equipment and raw materials, the large part of funds for ads. Products listed on the strategy, channel construction, terminal design, management, investment policy, know nothing about the knowledge of him, look for the bombing as long as your products will Rijindoujin.
Tragic competition in the market given him head-on blow: tens of millions of funds into the vote, the ads are running for five months, the market has not always improved. Later, BMW sold the car, a house mortgage, he also ran the fate of four hide debt.
Second, consider their own financial situation
As the saying goes: do eat vegetables, the tailor. How much money the capital, on how much money to do things.
Everyone wants to hundreds of millions, billions of large projects, the project as lucrative, enviable.
But the capital who have not. If there are no big capital, we will first start with small projects, the sense take the first step. The first example, the youngster started by 500 yuan, optimised secret agents, sense, the final possession of more than 500 million of capital. This is not a "tailor" the success stories? »
Third, the social integration of their resources
China is a attaches great importance to human relations. Zonghengjiaocuo all kinds of social relationships, these relationships, often contains a Block "gold mine." If good at mining, skillfully use, we can create high profits.
There was a furniture business, because competition is intense, the business has been very poor. He later heard that one done in a city where the Secretary-General's comrade-in-arms to the relocation of the municipal government, requires a large amount of office furniture. He immediately found the comrade-in-arms, relying on this layer, he successfully to the city from his furniture factory purchasing tens of thousands of sets of furniture. This alone, he earned a bowl full of pots overflow. Corporate and product reputation is so strong earthquakes, as many enterprises, institutions and government procurement of furniture of choice.
As the saying goes: number of friends a number of roads, a number of enemy multi-faceted wall. Duojiaopengyou, good friends, friends from there will be more useful information, more useful inspiration, of course, will also receive more benefits.
Fourth, to collect and use information
To some extent, say, information is the key to success. Changes in the market, the updated information. Yesterday, the best-selling products, today may have been behind, only mastered the information in order to understand the market and understand the needs of consumers, can be more motivated to adjust its direction and product mix, can not lag behind and fail.
Information collected a lot of ways, or through newspapers, magazines, television, radio, or through relatives and friends of communication exchange, or through mobile phones, the Internet and other modern communication tools. Information, should not only be good at collecting, but also good at identification, analysis and use.
Bureau of Transportation in a car in a city of people, from the leadership received a message, the Provincial Roads Authority and the Urban Roads Authority recently in preparation for the construction of a senior local highway. This was originally a very common source, the driver put it down, and he has a home nearby for the production of stone mountains, and the construction of roads need a lot of stones. He immediately bought the mountain rocks Nazuo the development rights.
Shortly thereafter, to build a highway, he produced an endless stream of stones and transported to the site. He sternly to earn a sum. He said many people with vision and insight. Working with him will know that the road this information, why only he make good use of this information? «He is more heart and better at the use of information.
5, study diligently and be good at cooperation
A master of philosophy: Learning is a lifetime thing, cooperation is the eternal topic.
Today's society, is a knowledge explosion era. Yesterday's advanced knowledge, may have been behind today, only continuous learning, more information to make themselves more advantages.
Jin Liufu the veterans, started the real estate is done. With his study to make improvements, planning and well-known companies, opened a liquor brand management buyout agent and the new model, Jin Liufu wine liquor industry to become a shining star.
As the saying goes: be short-foot, inch a director. Only the world of professionals, not Quancai. Only by fully using other people's strengths and compensate for their weaknesses, can be a win-win situation, can be successful. Therefore, win-win cooperation is the theme of today's commercial development.
There are numerous examples of cooperation. To the national, regional cooperation among small enterprises, the cooperation between individuals, all verification of the "win-win cooperation" is correct. Manufacturers can not be separated from raw material suppliers and wholesalers, wholesalers and manufacturers and retailers can not do without, one linked to one, with a Huankou one, no one who can not do without.
As the saying goes, "三百六十行,行行出状元", as long as the study diligently, and fully thinking, good at cooperation, the environment in which to own a correct understanding and accurate positioning, and be good at integrating various resources, perseverance, riding Down the field to do, from the success you very far, is no longer difficult to make money.

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