
SOHO owners how easy it is to make millions

The wish to engage in or have engaged in professional freelance writer who may be related to one of the most fundamental question is: do freelance journalist can not bring material return »to bring about what kind of return« what should we Expand their living space «This is a freelance journalist fundamental decision whether or not to continue occupation of the problem. In the real society, although the "freedom"-valuable, but we no one is immortal, nota little alternative, who must face the most realistic material life. Here, the author used his short career freelance writer, would like to talk about some of their own views and do a freelance journalist how it will survive »

1, first of all have goals and plans

From the beginning you do freelance journalist of the day, you should know that this is a free and the coexistence of occupational risk. Think about our previous experience working for the boss, will know to be a can support themselves by writing the work is not as simple. But everything is pre-legislation, or if there are full of ideals and vision, they are just empty talk. First of all we have to achieve what kind of goals, according to their actual situation there must be a plan and intend to. For example, in many long period of time, six months, a year need to master those aspects of the preliminary knowledge »with the knowledge of those ready» to be on their own in the lower end of the local media such as newspapers, magazines, see on the number of articles »with the local media The editorial establish preliminary contact », and so on. These are the basic work, but also to see the future long-term benefits of backing the work, so in this time not for too long, to six months and one year only. In this way, you can also based on the actual situation, to adjust. Of course, after the initial vision to plan, but the important thing is to the current plan, detailed plans should be feasible, and to strive to achieve, which enhance their living space to build confidence and play an important role.

Second, to have the ability to manage time

Everything is not absolute, including freedom. We in the workplace and on the basis of free content, will inevitably have to pay other costs. The owners of the home office, of course, do not have to think how, or how many stem Xianggan number. Because there is no work time and place of the rigid constraints, so how and rational management of time is becoming very important. The best is to set out a schedule of daily work, Internet, with life in the form of a timetable fixed, this is also an important aspect of self-restraint. No fragmentation radius of the rules, if the heart is that the free pre-and Tuota lazy, then the final will eventually lose this freedom. In addition, overtime and the need to rush for the living, or need to adjust the state, occasionally breaking the timetable for the restrictions, but in peacetime should be in accordance with the timetable and rest, on the one hand can develop good work habits, and Can also adjust our own physical condition.

Third, a market concept

SOHO owners to do the people, since it is not only when their own boss and when the waiter, then the market should have more understanding of the rules, and should develop according to the market to the survival of consciousness. First of all, the survival status of all media have to understand, for their own products to meet market demand for creative, spiritual and material production to market needs to realize that if your product can not be touched 'consumer "(readers) , Can not be moved by "dealers" (media), then you can be the best for their own re-evaluation of products, this is your final product can be converted into material and the real reason for the return. In addition, you should have a wide range of The amount of information, because it is possible to ensure that your product preservation, often new and not become a society out of the outdated products. Third, a marketing sense. Their works as a product, find it the best buyers , To find the most satisfied with the transaction price, which is for sale, even the best products also need to promote and, in order to achieve the final exchange. Now you understand why marketing is the most business courses College one of the most important course of the bar.

Fourth, there must be confidence in the indomitable

Everything is hard in the beginning, to do anything the case. But since you have made to become a freelance writer of preparation, then you should be one of the difficulties encountered with the necessary knowledge. For example, may be in for a long time to write things were not authorized, may also be in a very entrepreneurial world laboratory (elab.icxo.com) long time no material return, there are some cold-shouldered the media, and so on, but you I believe it will surely pay a return, the literary work in their own land, perhaps the first is lonely and gloomy, but as long as you have the confidence and perseverance, and to rationally analyze and summarize the reasons for the failure, and unswervingly continue to write, you Will ultimately win. I do not always want to do, I will not do, pouring cold water on their own, this will only allow you the freedom of writing career prematurely aborted. In fact, many freelance journalist in the beginning of the writing is not so good things, but they are ultimately successful, because in the end insist, do not give up easily. As long as you believe they have the talent and text-loving, as long as their hard work, then you will have the ultimate realization of the value of the material and return.

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