
Life is a process of accumulation - Ding Lei

Life is an accumulation of the process, you will always fall, even if the fall, you have to know how to grasp a hand in the sand. "- Ding Lei
U.S. "Fortune" magazine launched in 2003 following 40 years of global tycoons of the top 40, Mainland China has six list, the founder of Netease Ding ranked 14. In 2003 "Forbes" and "China 100 Rich List", Ding Lei holding company Netease 58.5% of the shares (current market value of about 7.6 billion yuan), amongst the "2003 Forbes China rich list "The first. But Ding still living a simple life, it was said that his months of living expenses little over 4,000 yuan.
Ding Lei in the end is what kind of person «Let us explore the story behind his success, his experience and experience, I believe that for many people, is a reference and intangible forces.
Dare to challenge the pioneering era
After graduating from college, Ding Lei returned home in Ningbo City bureau of work. Telecommunications Bureau Hanlaobaoshou, treatment is very good, but Ding think that two-year work very hard, but also feel the anguish before its Nanjin. In 1995, he resigned from the bureau, the family was strongly opposed, but he had intended to be bent out Chuangyi Chuang.
He described their actions: "This is my first expelled from their own. Person's life will face many opportunities, but there is the opportunity cost. Have the courage to take the first step, life is often the watershed."
He chose Guangzhou. Later, a friend asked why he had to Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai do not »He said a joke: the people of Shanghai and Guangzhou, in fact, the southerners and northerners, if the people of Guangzhou and Shanghai have 100 in your pocket Yuan, and then to do business, that the people of Shanghai will use 50 writers with money, and money to open 50 company, and Cantonese to the students will use the money to open 100 company.
First arrived in Guangzhou, walk in an unfamiliar city, in the face of such as the texture of the pedestrian and vehicular traffic, Ding Lei was more the importance of wealth. Is the most realistic three meals a day have to spend money it »can not sleep in the streets as it Mangliu« At that time, Ding Lei Qian Buduo on the band, he spent in the province, because he was determined to break the "iron rice bowl" Now does not allow its Hundao an impasse when the Jie Ji also rely on their parents. At that time, his greatest desire is to be able to find a job, even if Qianshao, but is better than wandering the strong.
Do not know whether to interview a number of companies, I do not know how many charges mouth, with his patience and strength, Ding Lei finally settled down in Guangzhou. May 1995, he entered the foreign invested enterprises Sebyse work.
The initial days of a difficult, and later, a well-known female friend said Ding Lei, he was superb, "cooking" and "zheng" play, to some extent, it is that period of time "Kuzhongzuole" Evidence, can also say this is the optimism and hard-working character and the achievements of today's "richest man."
Ding Lei likes to eat Chinese dishes, but when income is not high, it is impossible to daily to潇洒Guanzi Li, Guangzhou and many do not authentic Chinese dishes, so he personally went to the market to buy vegetables, personally Cooking. Usually work very busy, he would use the weekend to themselves to be a "Zuiji" or steamed fish, is invigorating its own. Sebyse work in Guangzhou Branch, 2001, Ding left again where germination and others with the creation of an Internet-related companies with the idea. At that time he can skillfully use the Internet, and became the first of a number of Internet users.
Sybase is also leaving the Ding an important choice, because he was going to be one of the original does not exist, a poor small companies. The only support he is confident that he believed that the future of the country it will have an impact on the Internet, full of enthusiasm. At that time, in addition to investment, in both his company's technology are doing. Perhaps in 1996 he only technical background, lack of sufficient business experience, finally found this company and he had many ideas in a departure from, he can only choose to leave again.
May 1997, the founder of Netease Ding decision. Since then, the IT industry in China, Ding has become enough of a crime and health care. After the famous Ding's request for money, but also maintained first place in Guangzhou during the difficult style. He said young people spend less money, perhaps less the same temptations, but the elderly different, he is now pondering is how people find reassuring, the Church parents to spend money - because every time he send money home, parents Give him a deposit, they think their children outside to earn money is not easy, Zuan in the case, but also in the time he needs Paishang often used to now, the home of a cordless phone or the boiling pot of water with a 78 Not replaced the water heater. Netease resettlement Beijing, the company team-building has been greatly improve. Many shareholders did not find fault in the background, history does not exist or entrepreneurs in their accumulation of the negative factors, the company has developed very rapidly. The company managers meeting, CEO Ding Lei often been criticized, he said this not done well, it has done wrong, he was always able to accept modest, "There has been criticism, the work can be done better."

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